Chapter 22 - Season 2.22

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New York. 

New York is where the show choir nationals were being held and its where the small choir group from Ohio were currently sat. More specifically they were sat on the famous red stairs in Time Square. 

Maddison and Hazel re-joined the others to eat the food they had just grabbed, unlike some the duo decided that McDonald's would be the better option, it was cheap, good, and there is a lesser chance of getting food poisoning. While eating her cheeseburger Maddison noticed everyone but Rachel was present but she decided not to comment on it and break the comfortable silence, but it seems Kurt didn't feel the same as he decided to speak. 

"A year and a half ago the New Directions were nothing but a group of six misfits stumbling their way through a rendition of 'Sit Down, You're Rocking the Boat'. Now here we are, at the top of the show choir heap. Nationals!"

"I wanna hit up Central Park, get my frolic on." Tina said which led to others sharing what they wanted to do while here.

"I wanna throw stuff off of the Brooklyn Bridge." That conversation was short-lived as Finn spoke up.

"Guys, hold on. I mean, we still have two songs to write."

"Okay, Mr. Bossy Pants. But I think we have time for a tune before we leave." With that, Kurt began to sing and some of the group joined in while others were engrossed in their own conversations or eating.

"Guys, I have news." Rachel said after suddenly appearing "To celebrate our impending win at nationals, I got us 15 tickets to Broadway's longest-running show ever, 'Cats'." Brittany was the only one to cheer while some of the others looked extremely excited. Maddison however knew for a fact Cats was no longer on Broadway and ever if it were, no high-school student could afford one ticket let alone 15. Maddison was about to comment on that fact but the ginger girl next to her decided to instead. 

"You might want to check the dates on those tickets, Rachel."

"Cats closed about 11 years ago." Quinn said, Maddison was genuinely surprised Quinn knew that as she didn't take her to be a theatre lover. The smaller girl's face dropped as she looked at the tickets.

"He did seem crazy. He charged my credit card by swiping it through his butt crack."

"At what point did you think that whole interaction was legitimate? You had a crackhead give you tickets to a show that's been closed for over a decade, and the 'form of payment' he took was a credit card which he proceeded to swipe in his ass." Maddison said just highlighting Rachel's stupidity around the whole situation. It honestly baffled her how Rachel Berry the famed theatre nerd didn't know that the show hadn't run for over 10 years, but Quinn did.

- At the hotel - 

It wasn't long after the 'Cats' incident that Mr. Schue grabbed the teens so he could finish checking in and sorting rooms. Maddison noticed Santana was sat at a small table in the lobby and made her way over there, she knew this trip wouldn't allow for much alone time so it only made sense to the brunette to steal it where they could. 

After sitting down the pair sat in silence for a moment till Santana asked  a question 

"What do you want to do while were here?"


"What do you want to do while we're in New York? Tina wants to go to central park, so what do you want to do?"

Agape II Santana Lopez x OCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu