Chapter 1 - Season 2.1

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Today was Maddison's first day in her new school, to say she was nervous was an understatement she wasn't just a new student, no she had a disability and there is no telling how kids at William M** High School would react. The brunette's thoughts were interrupted when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey Kid."

"Hey dad."

"I've gotta leave in a few minutes but I just wanted to wish you luck on your first day."

"Thanks." Maddison signed back before her dad kissed her forehead and left the room.

The brunette decided to get ready since her neighbour Brittany offered to walk with her. Not long after the Hughes moved to Lima, a perky blonde knocked on their door with her parents in toe. It was a fast friendship between the Hughes and the Pierces, throughout the summer Brittany and Maddison would regularly hang out where Brittany would show Maddison different parts of Lima. One thing Maddison liked about Brittany is how she sees the world; Brittany is like a little ray of sunshine.

(Maddison's outfit, feel free to imagine something else)

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(Maddison's outfit, feel free to imagine something else)

Maddison made her way down to the kitchen where her mother Allison prepped her lunch for the day, the brunette forgot to change the batteries in her hearing-aids last night and now she was in a rush.

"Hey hun, you, okay?" When Allison received no response, she stopped the task at hand before going to a draw and pulling out the batteries, she placed them in front of her daughter with a smile and then returned to her lunch.


"I'll be home by four, what do you want for dinner?"

"Not sure...hey did you or dad make coffee?"

"Nope, dad left early so he didn't have time and you know I don't like it."

"I'll stop off at the Lima Bean before school with Brittany."

"Just don't be late."

- At School - 

Brittany excused herself when they entered the building and headed down the corridor where two cheerleaders stood at the lockers, so Maddison headed off to find the administration office, the girl wasn't looking where she was going and bumped straight into a boy with a mohawk, who was with another boy who was super tall.

"Hey! Watch it." Mohawk boy said before turning around.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going, I'm trying to find the administration office." The boy with the mohawk opened his mouth to say something but he was cut off by the taller one.

"It's down the corridor to the left."

"Thanks." Maddison muttered before walking off.

After about 20 minutes of going over paperwork, discussing what classes the brunette had and when, as well as her locker Maddison left. What she didn't expect was for her locker not to be far from where Brittany stood with the other cheerleaders. Not long after opening her locker and placing her books inside her attention was drawn to a boy being followed round by a camera and the blonde couldn't help but overhear the 'interview'.

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