Chapter 16 - Season 2.16

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Maddison cracked open an eye to see Santana already awake. 

"Morning." Santana signed 

"Nope." Maddie signed back before closing her eyes again, determined to go back to sleep, but when she felt the other girl leaving featherlight kisses over her face she couldn't help but open her eyes, but as soon as she did that Santana stopped which made the brunette frown 

"Come on mardy, up." Santana signed now she had the girl's attention 

"Can't we just skip?"

"No can do, sorry." Santana signed before giving Maddison one last kiss on the cheek, she then left the bed and made her way to the bathroom. Maddison stayed there for a moment before huffing and picking out an outfit for herself. 


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- Glee Club - 

"Guys, I've got some bad news. You know how we decided on 'Sing' by My Chemical Romance for regionals? Well, I hold in my hand a cease-and-desist letter from the band. We can't do it." Mr. Schue said which brought the mood of the room down significantly 

"It was a perfect anthem."

"How much you wanna bet Coach Sylvester caused this?" Mercedes asked and, in all fairness, no one would be surprised if this were the case.

"One step ahead of you." The Spanish teacher proceeded to tell the teens how Sue did in fact cause this

"So what are we going to do now?"

"I think we should write original songs for regionals," Rachel said bringing the topic up once again.

"All those in favour of voting Rachel down again?" Santana asked from the front row, which received most of the clubs' vote till Quinn spoke up.

"No, I think Rachel is right. This team works best when we push ourselves and do something a little different." At this, the teens with their hands raised slowly lowered them.

"That's true, but if all the other teams are doing amazing songs we're not gonna be so good."

"You're right. We're not going to be as good. We're gonna be better. We won't be using other people's words or music. It'll be our own. Our own heart, soul, not just our voices." Despite Quinn being rather motivating, Maddison thought that the last part was a bit cringy. "We have a really talented songwriter in our midst. Rachel, I was thinking maybe you and I could write a song together."

"I'm with Quinn and Rachel, I mean if these two can agree on something, it's probably an idea worth considering-" Finn didn't even finish before Santana spoke

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