Chapter 2 - Season 2.2

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It had been a few weeks since Maddison joined the New Directions, and in that time, she has grown closer to virtually the entire group, she was particularly close with the 'Unholy Trinity' and one member had caught Maddison's eye.

Santana took a seat beside the brunette and the pair mindlessly chatted as the teens waited for their show choir teacher to appear.

"Your place tonight?" The question took the brunette by surprise, the pair only ever hung around the Lima Bean, why did Santana want to change that?


"After school, let's hang around yours."

"S-sure...but can I ask why?"


"I mean we only ever go to the same place, and my place isn't it."

"Nothing wrong with change." Before Maddison could question the raven-haired girl more Mr. Schue decided to start his lesson.

"All right. Who can tell me who Christopher Cross is?" Maddison looked at Brittany when the perky blonde voiced her answer.

"He discovered America." So, he didn't hurt the girl's feelings Mr. Schue gently corrected the blonde.

"Close. He did write an iconic chart-topper 'Sailing'." From the noise around the room, it seemed like none of the teens were going to enjoy this lesson.

"I have a bad feeling about this lesson." Kurt said causing Tina to voice her opinions.

"Never heard of him. Don't want to hear about him." Mr. Schue clearly decided to ignore the comments and continued.

"Now, some people think of the term 'easy listening' as a bad thing, but I'm going to let this music speak for itself." As Mr. Schue started handing out sheet music Maddison turned to the girl beside her

"You know what isn't 'easy listening'? Mr. Schue." Santana giggled a little before holding her hand out to the brunette for a high five.

It wasn't long till someone asked about the song "How can you get caught between the moon and New York city...they're like a hundred miles away." Maddison sent Finn a look, the public school system was really failing them, and that comment was a prime example.

"Mr. Schue, if I may." Kurt said waiting for the go ahead from the teacher before continuing "I think I speak for all of us... when I say that it's not that we don't love the idea... of spending a week on this silky-smooth adult contemporary. It's just that, as teens, this isn't the easiest music for us to relate to. However, there is a burgeoning Facebook campaign... that has swelled to over 5 members. The ardent demand? That this week, at the fall homecoming assembly, the McKinley High School Glee club performs a number by...wait for it... Ms. Britney Spears."

The idea of doing Britney made the teens murmur amongst themselves in excitement but Mr. Schue was having none of it.

"Sorry. Kurt. Kurt. Sorry. No...No I don't think she's a very good role model."

"Why isn't she a good role model?" Maddison asked the question which made all the teens in the room look at the teacher for an answer 

"Her life choices."

"Life choices? you realise most of the artists this club have covered and will likely cover in the future have made questionable life choices. I mean take Christopher Cross for example, do you think he's a good role model?" Maddison waited for Mr. Schue to answer before continuing.


"Yes or no, do you think Christopher Cross is a good role model?"


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