Chapter 5 - Season 2.5

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Halloween. That's all the teens in the choir room could talk about while waiting for Mr. Schue to arrive. 

"What are you dressing up as this year?" Brittany asked Maddison 

"Oh, I'm not."

"What? Why?" The blonde asked, clearly both oblivious to a certain Latina listening to their conversation 

"My family haven't done anything for Halloween in years. We usually just sit and watch horror movies. But enough about my plans what are you dressing as Britt?"

Before the blonde could reply Mr. Schue walked in, breaking up various conversations.

"Greatnews, guys. I've had a little inspiration. This week's musical lesson isn't really a lesson. It's a musical...Rocky Horror." The musical announcement made a handful of the teens in the room excited but that all went quiet when Rachel asked a question 

"While I admire your choice of the ground-breaking '70s musical, aren't you worried the adult themes might be a point of controversy?" As much as Maddison hates to admit it but the brunette thought Berry asked a valid question, and she wasn't the only one Kurt agreed. 

"Seriously.A school in Texas couldn't even do Rent. It caused an outrage and they had to cancel the show."

"Isn't that the whole point of the arts? Pushing boundaries. Doing things people say you can't for the sake of self-expression?" the man paused for a moment before continuing "Look, I got it all figured out. I cut out some of the more risqué sections, and I'm sending home permission slips to all your parents to make sure they're okay with it...And we are going to charge admission, and use the proceeds to help pay for transportation to nationals in New York." Mr. Schue said in response to their concerns

"Okay,let's talk about casting." Before anyone got a word in Rachel claimed the lead roles for her and Finn which made the brunette huff a little, cause of course Rachel automatically gets it, just like solos. 

 "And I'll be playing the guy in the wheelchair, right?"

"That's what I was thinking. And I thought Kurt could play the role of Frank-N-Furter."

"No. There is no way I'm playing a transvestite in high heels and fishnets, wearing lipstick." The boy instantly shut the idea down.

"Why? Because that look was last season?"

"I'll do it" at this everyone turned their attention to Mike

"Really? It's like the male lead."

"I know, but I'm feeling a little more confident about my singing voice after our duets project."

"Great,I have no problem with that...Now we're a little short on female roles, so we're gonna have to double up on Columbias and Magentas." 

"It's standard practice on Broadway. It'll preserve your voice." Rachel said all smug which made Maddison roll her eyes.  

"I'd like to preserve you, in a jar in my basement." Mercedes's comment caused most of the room to laugh, clearly Maddison wasn't the only one annoyed with Berry. 

"Sam, I would like you to play the role of creature."

"From the Black Lagoon?"

"Rocky. He's like the Frankenstein character, but blonde...You'll kill the part. He's cute, just like you."

"Better start working on those abs." Santana commented 

"Are you kidding me? You could cut glass with these babies. I have no problem showing off my body."

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