Chapter 1

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I hate school. Most kids do so I'm not really special. Except I am, it was easy to distinguish me from the other kids.

Everyone knew I was a darker skin tone my bright blonde hair never helped me appear more normal in town as my dad had said it would. Instead it made me stand out.

It wasn't the only...odd? Thing about me everyone knew my dad hit me. You couldn't miss the bright purple bruise that would appear every now and then. It was dark, and prominent but no one cared. They probably think I deserved it too.

In a way I guess I did. I'm not a good person, I know that I just wish I wasn't so different from every other kid.

Or maybe that's my fault too, always isolating and excluding myself from activities. Never, trying to be a good person.

But as I got out of my bed and started to get dressed for school. I didn't quite feel like being good today. All I wanted was for everybody else to suffer.

I pulled my sweater over my head and rubbed my eyes raw trying to wake up. I had a sickening headache from where my dad smacked me across the head the night before. For some reason it hurt more than him just outwardly hitting me. Maybe it was because I hadn't really done anything wrong. I was just sitting there and he smacked me, hard.

What stung was it was almost playful, almost.

Those kinds of hits are the worst. Their just bordering on playful but are too painful to be considered so. Its almost like false hope he could be a good father.

I just tried to ignore my headache as I wobbled through the hallway to wash my face and brush my teeth. It was probably what I enjoyed most about the morning.

Something about the fresh, warm water hitting my face soothed me for the day. It was my saving grace in the horrible morning.

When I looked in the mirror I could still see the bruise. From when he punched me in the face. It was now just slightly irritated and slowed to a light violet color against my face.

Soon all evidence of his abuse would be covered. I waved off my thoughts as I picked up my tooth brush. Thinking about my father would only make me angry. I tried my best to let my anger simmer while I brushed away the essence of morning breath.

Surprisingly it worked better than expected and I fixed up my hair as best ass possible before leaving the bathroom.

I had to be quiet in the hallway making sure I didn't make any too loud movements while I shimmied back to my room. I made sure I had everything in my bag like all my books and pencils ect...

I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs making slow movements while walking down so I didn't step on squeaky steps. I wanted to make breakfast or at least grab something to eat before I left but after I looked at the clock that idea became dull.

If I didn't leave immediately I would probably be late and I wasn't looking for another reason for my father to hit me. He'd probably find a reason to hit me anyways but it would feel less like my fault if I just got to school on time.

I closed the door as quietly as I could and started walking to school grounds. My house wasn't exactly, near the school so it takes much longer to walk but father won't drive me there. So I have to resort to good old walking to get to school. Not that I was mad about it or anything it was good exercise and sometimes gave me a reason to leave the house earlier. So not all bad.

Still irritating as hell but it was that or stay at home with my father. I'll always choose the latter.

I let out a small sigh as I continued walking knowing I would run into Phillip soon.

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