Chapter 12

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When we finally reached the lake I could see the figure of someone else by the lake.

I raised an eyebrow since most kids were in school and nobody else really came to wendigo lake. I unbuckled my seat belt anyways not wanting to waste my mom's gas and exited the car.

"Remember to call me Lar bear."

I nodded firmly then closed the car door. Once she pulled off I made my way further towards the lake. After a second of observing the person lying there I recognized him as Travis.

I cringed internally realizing my gut sent me here because Travis was here.

I dragged my hand down my face before I fully walked over there. He looked almost lifeless as I approached him, he didn't move or even look aware of where he was right now.

I gently pushed my shoe into his back and he hissed.

I quickly stopped realizing that he was in pain. I furrowed my brows as I peered down at him. His eyes were red and he had a big gash in his lip that was bleeding very slowly.

"What the hell happened to you?"

"Go away johnson."

He sounded tired, more tired than he would usually sound. He seemed so, lost? He didn't seem himself, he was no longer someone to be afraid of but someone to be pitied.

He looked awful and like he was about to cry. I wanted to push or maybe question him but he just seemed so damn tired.

"Your not your usual self."

"Go, away." I saw his eyes glaze over while his voice broke while he spoke.

It was so weird, he was so, vulnerable. He wasn't even trying to hide the pain in his voice.

"I um, I can't." I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do, I didn't know if I should leave him here. Maybe I should call an ambulance or try to comfort him?

Instead I just sat down beside him and watched the lake move calmly.

Travis sat up slowly and fixed his hair slowly.

"Why are you here?"

Travis only grunted in response. He clearly wasn't up for conversation but I wasn't sure what else I could really do.

He sighed before turning his head.

He was staring at me.

I turned my head lightly so we made eye contact. He looked oddly soft, his hair was kinda all over the place and his eyes held something close to affection in them. My heart skipped a beat at the sight and I instantly looked away.

My organs felt like they were gonna explode. Why did my heart just do that? Maybe it was a coincidence.

Travis looked away slowly, instead opting to look at the calm waves of the lake. He seemed so, out of it and I couldn't figure out why. His whole being was so different to what I was used too.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened now?"

"No, you wouldn't get it."

"Im sure I could work it out."

"What happened is pretty fucking simple, and all your fault." His calm expression quickly became one of hatred.

"Whatever happened was probably only half my fault."

He scoffed, "yeah, cause im the only one at blame right?"

"Kind of, yeah."

He scoffed again and he almost looked like he was gonna fight me again until I saw his eyes wash over. He didn't look mad anymore just sad.

Love You, Hate Me. Fair Trade. (Larry × Travis/ Larvis) Where stories live. Discover now