Chapter 11

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My mom spent the whole car ride scolding me for my actions, I suppose it was deserved but I wasn't listening much.

I couldn't get what I witnessed in the principles office out of my head. Travis had to have been having a panic attack, I mean, what else could have caused that kind of thing?

My mind came up empty as I tried to find an answer for what happened in the office. It was clear he wasn't gonna tell me what was wrong but that only raised more questions.

What was he panicing about?

Was it his dad?

Why didn't he fight harder?

Why didn't h-

"Larry! Are You Even Listening To Me?!"


My mom sighed then slammed her hands on the wheel.

"You never listen to me, I'm trying to do what's best for you and it always explodes on me. Please, just listen to me" She pleaded. I could hear her words breaking up and see her eyes watering.

"Fine, you have my attention."

"You can't just start fights. You just can't, I don't know what it was about or if that kid said something to yall, but still. You can't just keep fighting like this, it isn't right and its affecting me as well. Travis may not be the best kid but that doesn't mean you can just pick fights with him. Don't blame this fight on Travis either, everyone knows you started it this time."

"I started it, he shouldn't have gotten hit anyways. I misunderstood something Sal said, I shouldn't have hit him."

"Damn right you shouldn't have."

The rest of the car ride was silent, no music, no speaking, nothing. It wasn't a long silence though, we got home only a minute after we stopped talking.

I just, couldn't keep my mind off Travis. I had some sinking feeling in my gut, like somehow I'd just killed him or something. Then the panic attack, and his dismissing my questions. He does that already but something just felt extra off.

I had to shake him from my mind. I went to my room and grabbed a random album. I wasn't sure what I'd grabbed until it started playing. It was one of Sals albums, I could tell because it wasn't as heavy as I usually would listen too but, it was good for now.

I would have perfered a little Sanity Falls but I was to lazy to get the album now so I didn't.

The music was only partly drowning my thoughts because I could still make out small reoccuring thoughts. He looked terrified when the principle said that his dad was waiting for him at home.

I kinda knew that his father knocked him around a bit but it couldn't be that bad, could it?

I wasn't sure what went on behind closed doors but Travis comes to school covered in bruises. He wears long sleeve almost all the time, he flinches whenever people raise their hands.

All these little things I see him do, maybe their part of something bigger.

The only person that knew Travis was Phillip, and I don't think hed give up Travis secrets so easily. Id have to push for them, and that starts with questioning Sal.

Sal was closer to Phillip than I was and he was trying to build some dort of friendship with Travis anyways. Seemed like a win, win situation I just had to wait for Sal to actually get home.

I groaned loudly before turning over on my stomach and shoving my head in my sheets.


My chest ached as I let the door close softly behind me. My heart was thumping rapidly in my chest and I could feel bile slowly rising up my stomach to my mouth.

Love You, Hate Me. Fair Trade. (Larry × Travis/ Larvis) Where stories live. Discover now