Chapter 5

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When I returned to my seat Sal had a face on him. It was hard to read his expression because of the mask but his eye movements helped a lot. Now, he was just staring blankly with an unreadible look.

"Was that necessary? I think you gave him an aneurysm."

"Big words for a little guy." He hit me immediately after the words came out of my mouth.

I chuckled returning to my work. Sal had to explain it to me at least 10 times before I finally understood what to do.

"Well, I was just tryna get under his skin, that's all."

"That's all? He looks like hes gonna die, and hes finally doing his work. Hm, weird."

"Hes a weird dude."

"Im sure."

It was silent for a while while we worked on our individual problems. As I kept finishing questions it was like they kept getting harder. I noticed that Sal had already finished all the work.

I sighed deciding to take a small break and just lean back into my chair. I glanced in Travis direction to see his head laid back on the table.

His sweater was riding up a bit exposing a redish purple color underneath it. It looked the same color as the bruises he often comes to school with. Except, it was, scabby? And it looked fairly fresh.

It didn't look like a normal bruise that one would get. It looked like someone tore out a piece of skin from him.

I wasn't judging everyone had their little kinks but it was bad. And it looked like they trailed further up his shirt too. Everyone at school knew that his father at least slapped him across the face a couple times but his back looked ruined.

I pulled my eyes away from the skin and ignored him to my best abilities. I wasn't gonna pry into his personal life, maybe it wasn't what I was thinking. Maybe he just hit his back on something or scrapped it.

I dunno, its none of my business. I asked Sal for help again on a problem that didn't look right. There were all sorts of weird symbols and letters in the equation.

If I ever find out who decided to put the god damn abc's in math im going to end them. Even if their already dead.

"Larry, I've explained this like 10 times. All you do is eliminate them. The steps don't change because theres less numbers."

"But then what do I do with the Y?"

"Oh my god, nothing! You don't do anything with it! Divide it like you did with the other problems."

"Okay, okay, I'm trying."

I saw Sal roll his eyes while he finished up on the problem he was working on. Usually when I didn't understand a problem he just let me copy off him but he was being generous today and attempting to teach me.

He also probably didn't want to be all alone when we go to the next grade. Failing my finals would be humiliating and me and Sal wouldn't have any classes together ever again.

That. Would be a nightmare.

After a minute or two I started to pack up. The bell would be ringing soon and my next class was english. Unfortunately Sal had gym but at least Todd was in that class too.

I hated leaving him during gym because Travis usually decided to bully him and Todd during that class. Sal even left that class with a few bruises once.

It pissed me off how Travis could just bully them for no good reason.

He seemed a little, off today so maybe he wouldn't be as much of a bother as he usually is. He really seemed off. When the bell run he was hunched over and still not carrying his backpack.

Love You, Hate Me. Fair Trade. (Larry × Travis/ Larvis) Where stories live. Discover now