Chapter 14

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"Still aren't words buddy."

Travis waved me off with a flick of his hand. I returned to the cd's and listened to the shuffling of Travis.

I could tell if he was up and moving or just rolling in my bed cause all I could hear was ruffling.

I found one that seemed suitable and pushed it into the record player. It wasn't the heaviest music I owned but it was probably still too intense for Travis. If it was, he didn't say anything.

When I turned back around Travis was slumped over my bed seeming to be only half conscious. His hair fell gently over his eyes while he huffed quietly.

I let my eyes take in his rugged appearance before heading to the bathroom. Travis's face was still pretty fucked up so naturally, it made sense to clean him up a bit. I should have cleaned him up when he first got to my house but he didn't seem very keen on that idea. He had been too tense, too on edge, too stiff.

I wet the towel with warm water, then headed back to my room. Travis's eyes were unfocused and unattentive it was clear the weed had hit.

I chuckled before leaning down to brush his face off with the towel. He flinched when the rough towel brushed against his skin but I continued to clean up his wounds. It wasn't all too bad I just had to get the stained blood off his lip and clean up any extra blood around his face.

Only problem was, he kept pulling away, and making faces at me. It was strange, really. He seemed more uncomfortable when I touched him now than compared to when I touched him earlier. Maybe the weed was making him paranoid? It can do that sometimes.

I felt my eyebrow twitch in confusion before I tore my hand away from his face. He looked at me with a confused expression before taking the now cold towel from me.

"Your brushing too hard, it hurts." He mumbled while he gently pressed the towel against his face.

His strokes were slow and languid but he seemed more comfortable than when I was doing it. He cleaned up pretty well before handing me the small towel back.

"Theres some blood on your lip." I commented before bringing the towel back to his face and cleaning up the blood.

I wasn't sure why I'd said it, there was barely any blood there and it wasn't even noticeable. There was no reason for me to touch his face or get near it again but I did. I ignored this strange sinking feeling in my gut and headed back to the bathroom with knitted eyebrows.

I left the towel in the sink and returned to my room. Travis wasn't doing much just kinda staring at the ceiling.

"What are you thinking about?" I was trying to start conversation, the air was getting awkward.

Travis hummed before dragging his head in a strained manner to look back at me.


"I'm thinking about space."

"Your thinking"

He nodded never breaking eye contact with me.

"Alright, lets talk about space." I took my spot on my bed and hung off it a little so me and Travis's face were closer to each other.

I wasn't close with him, not by any means. I guess, if Sal trusts him then I can make an effort, I can start by listening to whatever he had to say.

"I was just, thinking about, how like, the universe was created and shit. Theres the big bang theroy and stuff but like, is it true? What was here before the universe? There like, wasn't jack shit, it was just empty darkness. Where did that darkness come from? Like, why does anything exist. Why does it exist and if there was nothing before where did this nothingness come from? Its just, its weird man I dunno."

Love You, Hate Me. Fair Trade. (Larry × Travis/ Larvis) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang