Chapter Twenty-Six

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The hot water was a godsend. I was scrubbing motor oil and grease out of my hair when I heard the slight click of the bathroom door.

"Luke, you better be fucking kidding me. I'm showering its not a god damned group activity." I pulled aside the shower curtain to see him sitting on the basin.

"Luke I wasn't joking, get the fuck out." Luke snorted. "Dude I'm not trying to see you naked, you're my brother."

"Half-brother." I growled closing the curtain again. My muscles that were sore and knotted from rolling around on a dolly and shoving my six two frame under a car to access parts that would be so much easier if I had a professional jack, were beginning to tense back up. Fucking Luke couldn't even let me shower in peace.

"So Nate has been blowing up the group chat..." Luke began, I pulled the curtain aside again.

"Seriously Luke, could this not wait for another 10 minutes? 10 fucking minutes its all I ask?" his brown eyes widened and make him look vaguely puppy like. Luke started fiddling with his hair a sign that he was anxious and it fucking broke my heart.

"Okay, Okay we'll discuss it now, why is Nathan blowing up the group chat?" Luke's grin was so large I could practically see his molars. I pulled the curtain closed again and went back to degreasing my hair.

"Well get this, there's a new girl at the group home." "So? There are a few girls at the group home." "Yeah well, this one was brought in by Sean... in the middle of the night... with a broken leg. Apparently she's a tiny little thing, but Victor was chasing Gabe and he jumped on her and pinned her to a bed, and then she had a freakout and Sean came to her rescue, apparently Kota broke her leg so she was super skittish, then Gabe and Vic had hours that Sean made them do Nate said it was brutal like he wouldn't have coped Vic was vomiting afterwards, and then She like sleeps for a full day, so Nate and Vic go see Kota and Kota tells them she has shitty parents who like hit her and stuff, then they wake up in the middle of the night because she's screaming and crying and begging and she has like super fucked up nightmares and they can't wake her up, also I have to talk to Nate about your nightmares, or like you can I guess, anyway, Corey makes breakfast with her... because she cooks and she's like a super stealth ninja just like me, but she goes downstair and Ravens on desk and he doesn't hear her and pulls a knife and she drops to the floor, and Gabe comes in and she totally tries to save Gabe from Raven, and then Kayli and Corey get involved and Gabe was hiding under the bed with her and like Owen got redlined last night and they had a sit down and we miss all the good things." Luke had barely taken a breath in his desperation to get all of it out. I stopped washing for a second and tried to absorb everything he had just said.

"I... I don't know where even to start with all that." I groaned out running my hand over my face. Dramatics were not my forte. "Yeah, well now you're all caught up, so I'll let you finish that shower." I heard Luke's feet hit the floor and the door swing open.

There wasn't enough time in the day to sort out what the hell had just happened. I finished washing out all the crap in my hair and opened the curtain checking for Luke before I stepped out for a towel. Of course, he had left the bathroom door wide open and had replaced the bath sheet I had left out with a small handtowel. Prick. As I walked to my bedroom I stopped by Luke's door.

"Would it be too much to ask you to not prank my showers? I'm trying really hard to not be a dick and not be so angry it would go a long way for me if you would respect my space." Luke looked up with his devilish smile his brown eyes glinting with evil.

"I cannot control when the prank gods will speak to me, but I imagine I can try and not have it affect the shower, consider the bathroom neutral territory, like Sweden I'll make hot chocolate to celebrate... mmm Swiss Miss." I nodded turning and gave Luke the full view of what his prank had resulted in.

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