3. Mr. gummy and Jelly Boy

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Author's pov.

3 years have passed, making Taehyung and Hoseok 15 years old. Taehyung came with Hoseok even though he usually rides his bike using the excuse it was better for his health just in case something happens to Hoseok, he could carry Hoseok but the real reason was that he couldn't bare to sit in the same car as he had to watch Hoseok and his Father talking to each other not acknowledging  his presence  

Taehyung's Pov

Just like any other day dad didn't notice me just when I was about to "Love you, dad, have a good day at work'' he stopped me he just told me to leave faster cause he have a meeting soon. Well, they do say don't cry over spilled milk so I'll have to act like I'm fine just like usual.  Well, I kept thinking about dad and as I kept walking I didn't see a person so I accidentally bumped into him and his bread filled with Jelly smacked my face leaving a sticky jam on my face then as I was about to wipe it off with my sleeve  I could hear his laughter so I turned my head to face him without knowing I'd see the cutest smile of my life, A Gummy Smile. I couldn't help but watch that boy laugh to his heart's content, as I watch my stomach was feeling like there was a thousand butterfly inside it, making my heart tingle while making me feel giddy at the same time, but then he gave me a handkerchief I was confused for a while, then he gestured with his hand wiping his face then I realized that I was still covered in jam. I gladly took the handkerchief to wipe the jam off my face and then  *thringgggg* The school bell rang, making me run to my classroom since I don't want to be called in for being late and I can't ruin my reputation as Student Council President. I held onto his handkerchief hoping we'd meet again, MrGummy Smile.

But little did I know My wish came true

The Boy's Pov

Today I woke up late making Hyung to shout at me. I was too lazy to eat a whole course meal for breakfast and since today was the first day of school for me I don't want to make the teachers to be disappointed in me. So I just took 2 slices of bread and spread jam all over it to eat on the road as I walk and since the school was quite close to my home it only take me 5 minutes to get there but unfortunately, I could only finish a slice cause I was chewing extremely slow. As I kept walking I bumped into a boy at the corridor but my bread went flying making it land perfectly on his face I looked at his face which was full of jam making me laugh very hard. he was about to wipe it off with his sleeve then He stared at me for a while not wiping his jam face and just staring at me so I gave him my Handkerchief he was confused at first but I gestured him about his jelly jam face he took the handkerchief but then the school bell suddenly rang making him run as fast as he could I was a little dumbfounded for a while thinking why did he run so fast then I remember I also have class. As I also run as fast as I could,  on the way I was thinking about how I want to meet him again Jelly Boy.

Teacher's pov

Today Taehyung came later than usual which was a little suspicious  because Taehyung was a student who was never late he even came to school having a fever just to have perfect attendance but today he was late "Taehyung meet me after class okay." "yes, teacher " He replied " Now go sit," I said.

 As he went to sit I was thinking of today's new student it was his first day and he was already late. *droo* "Sorry madam I was lost on my way to this class" The new boy apologized as he was panting with sweat "hah I'm guessing you must be the new student, " I asked and he replied "yes" "okay introduce yourself." "Hello I'm Min Yoongi and I'm 16 years old also I love to sleep so if you see me sleeping please don't interrupt my sleep " "What a nice introduction saying openly how you like to sleep but Little boy I better not see you sleep in my class." I said as I crossed my arms "Yes ma'am" 

After he said that I was looking around the class to see a place where he should sit and then I saw Taehyung caught my attention he was looking at Yoongi with a little flush cheek and I looked at Yoongi and he was doing the same thing , then I thought to myself Love at first sight how innocent guess I'm gonna see a Taegi couple around the school now huh.

 "Min Yoongi go sit next down to Kim Taehyung. Kim Taehyung please raise your hand." Taehyung raised his hand and Those two boys were flushed red at the same time. I thought to myself 'wow look at these two cute boys hah now I'm suddenly sad for my single ass' as I looked at the two boys and I could see Taehyung avoiding eye contact with Yoongi by staring out the wall but his flushed neck and ear was giving it away. Then I looked at Yoongi who was looking at Taehyung with heart eyes 

 "Yup these two boys are definitely whipped for each other," I thought to myself once again before I told them to quit flirting with each other they both were about to complain but I stopped them by saying "we are about to start the lecture please shut up and sit now Min Yoongi."  In the middle of the lecture, I saw Min Yoongi trying to flirt with Taehyung but I just ignored them making their love bloom. What can I say I'm a fudanshi. 



I loved the teacher too much I literally wrote 425 words for her pov I mean who doesn't want that kind of Teacher well hope u enjoyed this chapter

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