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I have not checked for mistakes so if you see one please ignore it


 No One's p.o.v

"Hyung! Wake up, or we'll be late for school." "Get the Fuck Out Of My room Jeon Heoseok!" "But-"  "No buts get the hell out of my room!"  As Hoseok was about to leave he mumbled a "sorry hyung."

At school 

It was already lunchtime and yet Hoseok was moping around the school as he was still mad about what happened this morning. "Why is hyung still mad at me? I tried to give back the air pod but it was him who didn't want it back so why- why was hyung still mad at me."

As Hoseok was walking distracted in his own thought he bumped into someone making him unbalanced and land on top of that person. "Ughhhh " As Hoseok started to open his eyes he heard a groan he looked at the man under him in awestruck. Hoseok saw the most handsome guy he could have ever seen in his life. As time went by they were still in that position none of them were moving, well Hoseok wasn't moving. 

"Can you please get off me already, I have a place I need to go sooooo." "Ohh! My God, I am so sorry I was staring for too long and- and." "It's okay just please get off me you're kind of heavy no offense." Hoseok jumped up immediately as he heard that, blushing non-stop as he was very embarrassed.  

"So sorry about that anyway what's your name?" "It's Min Yoongi, what's yours" "Oh mine's Jeon Hoseok." "Wait, Jeon as in the same surname as Jeon Taehyung?" "Ah yes he's my twin brother, you didn't know that? Are you his friend? Hasn't he mentioned about me before?" "Yeah I transferred not long ago and we've been friends since then he never really mentions having a brother to me before though, oh wait I gotta go sorry my bad, talk to you later bye." 

Hoseok p.o.v

As I watched him walk away I could hear my heart beat race second by second. This must be how love, at first sight, feels like. Just as I was thinking about love I wondered to myself why hyung had never mentioned it to him about me before especially if they were friends. I brushed off those thoughts as I heard the bell ring. As I was walking to class I couldn't help but think Yoongi making me feel all giddy inside.

Yoongi's p.o.v

When I was heading to the library I bumped into someone. When I let a low groan I felt someone staring at me and as soon as I opened my eyes I saw a boy staring at me. It felt so awkward I tried to move but he was still on top of me just staring at me. As I told him to get off I could hear him rambling something on top of me still not moving so I had to snap him out of it. After he moved away he introduced himself to me which I really didn't care about at all. I knew was I just wanted to get to the library as soon as possible to see Taehyung and his ethereal smile. To get this over I told him my name and the surprising thing was that he was Taehyung's twin which Taehyung never told me of. I was a little sad I thought I knew Taehyung well but I guess not. After the short intro, I remembered I need to get to Taehyung so I just said sorry and dashed to the library not really caring about the boy.

With Yoongi and Taehyung

*Drrrrr* "Aww Yoongi hyung, you're late I told you to come early since I wanted to give you something." "Sorry Taetae I ran into your brother which made me late, also Tae-bear why didn't you tell me you had a twin, I'm sad." Yoongi gave a fake pout making Taehyung give a small chuckle at the cute hyung in front of him. " Sorry hyung it's just that my brother and I were in different classes so I never really saw him which made me forget to introduce you to him, sorry about that. You'll forgive  me right, hyung." 

Taehyung said the hyung in the sweetest voice making Yoongi to be unbearably  vulnerable "Uhh fine next time don't forget to tell me I want to know all about you Taehyung." As Yoongi said that he looked straight into Taehyung's eyes which made the younger blush red. Taehyung covered his face with his hands due to the embarrassment but nonetheless, he still felt quite happy. "Umm, I know next time I'll tell you everything  you want to know." "Get a room. *hah* kids these days." The librarian said making the two boys turn red and all jumpy looking around the room as if it wasn't them who were being all lovely dovely two seconds ago.

"*Humph* want to get out of here? And here this is the stuff I baked for you as an apology for not giving you a birthday present." Taehyung shoved the homemade cookies into Yoongi's hands and dashed away from the library like a tomato all red from embarrassment.   Yoongi looked at the running boy and couldn't help but laugh at the cuteness. "*hah* I wonder if you would say yes if I asked you out *hah* maybe I should wait a few more weeks who knows you might like me more if we hang out more," Yoongi said between his sighs as he walked out of the library to chase after his soon-to-be boyfriend.



So everyone before you go I want to tell you I might write another Taekook. It goes like this Taehyung is a famous horse rider but due to an accident he died making his soul to be transferred to a young prince's body. For some reason (I won't spoil you the whole plot)he became a gladiator or chariot rider I'm not sure yet in the roman kingdom and met the king or Rome (Jungkook). 

Also I'm sorry about updating late and the project I mention on chapter 5 I got A- and B+ on the other one and the test I think i did some great but i'm not sure. That's it for today hope you enjoyed this chapter.😊

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