11 "Friends"

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As soon as the twin walked into the party everybody started saying something like, "Oh my god are you Jeon Taehyung!?" A lady in a red dress talked about Taehyung. "Wow he's such a cute kid, Jungkook is so lucky to have a son like him!" Another woman complimented Tae. "He's a genius unlike the other twin I've heard." "Oh you mean Jeon Hoseok? Yeah, people say he's you know quite slow unlike his brother." Chatters about the twin could be heard within every part of the room.

"Hyung, am I a slow learner?" Hoseok asked with a small pout as his tears threatened to fall. "Of course not it's just that everyone takes time and don't listen to them you're only 5 you don't need to be some kind of genius. We still have so many things to learn." Taehyung explained to his cute little as he wiped the tears away from Hoseok's eyes.

Parent Teacher Confrence { Current age 6 }

"It's nice to see you Mr.Jeon today I wanna talk about the twins." "Oh did they do something?" Jungkook asked. "No I just want to talk about the twin's progress through out the year." "I see teacher. So how is their progress?" "It's very good! Well, for one of them." "One of them?" Jungkook asked confused.

"Yes it's Hoseok, well his progress in some subject aren't going that well. Math mainly." 'Oh is the result that bad?" "Well he had lots of problems with addition and subtraction. On the other hand, Taehyung has been a very wonderful kid to have around." "I see so please tell me more about Taehyung." " He's at the top of his class and also have you seen some of the painting he did?"

"Sorry no but do you have a picture I can see?" Jungkook asked with enthusiasm. It was good news to him that one of his family member picked up on a hobby that he loves. "Of course we don't have the picture, we have the whole canvas displayed in the kindergarten art room and on our kindergarten social media page."

"That's wonderful!" Jungkook exclaimed with proudness. The rest of the ended up with the teachers complimenting Taehyung and no one mentioned Hoseok.

At home

As soon as Jungkook came home, he went to search for his son and as soon as he saw Taehyung he lifted him and showered him with kisses and hugs. "What are you doing Jungkook?" Jimin came out of the kitchen and asked his husband. "Did you know what I heard at the P.T.C.? Let me show it to you wait a minute." As soon Jungkook finish talking he took out his phone and showed the picture of Taehyung's painting on the school's web page.

"Wow who painted that? That look so amazing!" "It's nice right! It's painted by our little Tae." "I see that's good. So what about Hoseok, what did the teacher say about him?" Jimin asked Jungkook.

"Oh she said that Hoseok's academic skills are a little low but he's improving slowly so we don't need to worry." Jungkook patted his son Hoseok on the head as he was still holding his son Taehyung.

Night time

Hoseok went to his study room and as soon as he saw Jungkook he said, "Um dad can I get a tuition teacher?" "Oh! Why?" "Well I just want to be better at some subject." Hoseok clutched the end of his shirt as he looked at his feet. "Son, are you sure? Are you sure you don't want to fool around with Taehyung? You're only 6." "I can still play with Taehyung and focus on my tuition at the same time so I really want a tuition teacher please."

"Sure if that's what you want."

Months pass by

"Dad, Papa, look I got all A+ on my report card!" "That's amazing." Both parents said in unison. "What about you Hoseok?" Jungkook asked seeing that his younger son was hiding behind his brother. "I got all Bs," Hoseok said with happiness as he raise his report card to show his father.

"I see. So our little Taehyung what do you want as your reward?" "Jungkook asked his son as he lifted him, took him into the living room, and let him sit on his lap. Hoseok was a little sad about his father's reaction, but he knew that he shouldn't be jealous of his kind brother, who's always there for him, so he just shoved his jealousy in his heart and never talked about it.

A year passed by

It was the twin's birthday, and every guest that arrived there was minding their own business or talking with their friends. "Hello everybody, I would like to say happy birthday to my two sons." Everyone in the room clapped for the birthday boys and went to congratulate them. "Oh my god, Taehyung, you look so cute." "Taehyung, Taehyung." Almost every guest was surrounding Taehyung like a moth surrounding the light, while they were all ignoring Hoseok.

When Taehyung saw his brother's expression, he excused himself, took Hoseok's hand, and dragged him into their garden. "Hoseok, what's wrong? Don't hide it from me." "It's just hyung why do they love you more than me? If we're twins shouldn't we receive the same amount of affection?"

"What are you talking about? Everyone does love us the same. Papa and Dad love us the same." Taehyung patted his brother's head, but Hoseok slapped it away. "No, they don't! Just because you are more talented and smarter than me, people want to be your friends they would compliment you while they would ignore me. Do you how it feels to be called the bad twin? No, you don't cause you're the good and talented one. The perfect one."

As soon as Hoseok said that Taehyung starts to think about what people thought of him. To Taehyung he was called the "perfect" stepping stone. People have approached him for all the same reason they all approached him for their father's wealth and to look good especially the friends that Hoseok mentioned.

He never talked about that kind of hypocritical people to Hoseok cause he wanted to protect his brother's innocence.



Proofread it and edit some part sorry you had to deal with the wrong grammars and spelling but I still hoped you enjoyed reading my stories.

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