12 First Date

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"Taehyung, today, would you like to go on a date with me?" Yoongi held Taehyung's hand, looking into his eyes, mustering all his courage just to ask Taehyung out, which of course was worth it since Taehyung said, "Yes, a million times yes."

End of school

"Yoongi wait a minute I'm going to go tell you my dad I'll be hanging out with you so...don't leave me." Taehyung ran away with a blush as he spoke the last part.

"Dad, I'm going to be kind of busy. I'll return home by 8 sharp, so don't worry." Taehyung rubbed his neck, not daring to face his father, as he was very scared of Jungkook. "Who are you going to be hanging out with?" Jungkook looked at his son and then at the boy behind him.

"Boy, come here." Jungkook showed a come here gesture with his index finger, and Yoongi, who immediately saw it, complied, not wanting to anger his future father-in-law. "You called me, sir?" "Yes, who are you, and how long have you been friends with Taehyung?" Jungkook stated that he was not beating around the bush and questioned the boy thoroughly.

"I've been friends with your son since school started, and my name is Min Yoongi, and today I'm taking your son out on a date," Yoongi answered, sounding confident. "I see he better be back by 8 sharp, and if he's even a second late boy, you're not going to be seeing my son in this school anymore." Jungkook drove away with a stern face after saying what he wanted. Hoseok, who was sitting in the back, was feeling a thousand emotions in his heart, and one of those emotions was jealousy.

At the school gate

"Taehyung, I escaped death, didn't I?" Yoongi asked with a smug face, making Taehyung giggle and show a boxy smile, who just murmured, "I'm lucky you did."

"So where are you taking me?" Taehyung asked as he linked his arm with Yoongi's, who just blushed from the gesture, thinking maybe it was too early to hold hands. "Hmm...it's a surprise." Yoongi looked at Taehyung, who was already looking at him with eyes of love.

Date Place

"I heard you like art, so I thought you might like our first date to be at a museum. "I hope it's not boring." "Yoongi, how many dates have you been on?" Taehyung asked Yoongi with a pout, making the older to coo at him. "This is my first one, why do you not like it?" Yoongi asked now, slightly worried.

"It's too perfect." Taehyung smiled as he heard what Yoongi said, making him happy that he was Yoongi's first date. "I'm glad you like it." Yoongi patted Taehyung's head, which warmed the younger's heart with a simple gesture.

After Taehyung and Yoongi looked around the museum, their stomachs started to growl, indicating that both of them were starving. When they left the museum, it was already 7. They went to the nearby hotpot shop. They ate until they were full and after they ate Yoongi was going to walk Taehyung home but they stopped by a park and took some photos even though Yoongi said he'll take the photo for Taehyung but Taehyung said a stern no.

For a first-date memory, they both must be in the photo. Yoongi, who was whipped for this cute little tiger, couldn't say no, and they ended up taking more than 50 photos. By 7:50 p.m. Taehyung was home, and Yoongi was saying goodbye and how he'll miss the younger very much, to which Taehyung just replied, "Quit that cute acting, we'll be seeing each other tomorrow at school." "But I'll still miss you." Yoongi gave a hug and a peck on Taehyung's cheeks, but he almost ran away as soon as he spotted Jungkook behind Taehyung. Of course, before going, he said to Jungkook, "It's currently 7:55 p.m. so I better see your son tomorrow, sir."

In the Living Room

Jungkook sat in front of Taehyung and said, "We need to have a talk about your friend." "What's wrong with him, Dad?" Taehyung now looked straight into his dad's eye. "I heard what Hoseok said about that boy. He's not good for you." 'What did Hoseok say exactly to you?" Taehyung's anger could clearly be heard in his voice.

"I believe what my son said to me, and I and your father have decided you should stop being friends with that boy." "He's not like what Hoseok might have said to you. He's a good person, and he put me above anything. Please, I've been a good son, you know I always listen to you guys, but please let me be with him." Taehyung started to sob as he tried to reason with his father.

"Taehyung a no mean no." Jungkook now looked at his son, sobbing, thinking that he might have made the wrong choice. "Okay, Taehyung, I'll let you be friends or whatever with that boy, but I don't want to hear anything bad about him from Hoseok's mouth, okay?" "Okay!!" Taehyung immediately jumped with excitement and hugged his dad. He then realized what he had done and was just about to pull away, but to his surprise, Jungkook actually hugged him back.

Jungkook was happy that his son had finally expressed his emotions. Jimin, who was behind them, stared at the father-duo with a warm heart. Looking at a scene he hasn't seen for years. Wondering what made their elder son to turn cold and less expressive. 



I have no excuse for the late update and I just want to let you guys know that school's finally done so I have more time to update. I really hope you guys have been enjoying my story so far. You guys can point out if you can't deal with the grammar and spelling errors I'll try my best to fix it also, thank you for the 900 view. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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