8 Another New Student?

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"Tae have you heard that there will be a new student?" "Hmm nope Jin hyung. Do you know who he is?" "Nope but there is a rumor going around saying that, that boy is very handsome but I don't believe it cause there is only one handsome person I know and that person is me Jin AKA WORLD WIDE HANDSOME," Jin yelled with excitement in the last part. 

Taehyung and Jin came to know each other due to Yoongi. Jin was apparently Yoongi's childhood friend. After a while of chatting the bell rang.


The school bell rang that's when Jin and Taehyung were late for class. As soon as Taehyung opened the classroom door he saw two people the two persons was his teacher who was tapping his foot in annoyance and another boy who was staring at him and giving him smiles. Taehyung and that unknown boy were staring at each other until the teacher faked a cough snapping Taehyung out of the staring contest. "You're late Jeon Taehyung go sit down." "Yes sir" Taehyung replied.

"So as I was saying we're having a new student. Introduce yourself, boy." "Yes, my name is Choi Woo-Shik I'm from Daegu and I'm 16 nice to meet you." "Okay go sit down next to Baekhyun."

After class ender No One's P.O.V

"Umm Hi as I just introduced I'm Choi Woo-Shik can I be your friend?" "Umm sure why not." Taehyung said hesitantly cause he was an introvert and being an introvert he didn't really like socially much but since Choi Woo-Shik was a new student he didn't want the poor boy to be left alone, after all, it was his first day in school. He'd probably know no nobody from this school Taehyung thought to himself.

Choi Woo-Shik followed Taehyung like a lost puppy sticking to him everywhere. Seeing that Yoongi was getting pissed at the new boy so he walked up to Taehyung who was currently eating silently as the new student kept talking nonstop.

"Taehyung why is this guy following you." Yoongi said in annoyance as he point to Choi Woo-Shik. "he wanted to be friends and today is his first day c'mon cheer up and sit beside me." Taehyung patted the empty seat beside him ready for Yoongi to sit immediately.

 Yoongi walked away after saying "Tch." Taehyung was about to chase after Yoongi but was stopped as Choi Woo-Shik pulled to his arm and said, "Tae can you show me around the school pleaseeeeee."Choi Woo-Shik gave puppy eyes to Taehyung, but he was not even a little fazed by it and just brushed Choi Woo-Shik hands off saying "Sure I'll do that later I think I left something in my locker for the next class." Choi Woo-Shik was reluctant to let go but he didn't want to look like a clingy guy so he just had to agree.

Taehyung's p.o.v

I don't know why Yoongi hyung's piss but I don't want him to be mad nope I just want to see his gummy smiles, not his frown. As I kept walking I took a right turn and I saw Yoongi hyung and Hoseok who was holding tight to his arms. "What are you doing let go of him Jeon Hoseok," I said in a stern voice thinking that Hoseok will let go of Yoongi hyung's arm immediately but I was wrong he was still holding onto it tightly. 

"Why should I Jeon Taehyung " Hoseok replied with a stern voice which made me angrier. "Let go Jeon Hoseok." Yoongi voiced out with a tired face and just when Hoseok was about to speak again I took Yoongi hands and ran away as fast as I could.

After 10 min straight of running

Taehyung stopped in Infront of a convenience store named seven eleven "Hah, hah Tae-Taehyung s-stop." Yoongi said with sweat dripping down his neck. "Sorry hyung since we're outside wanna eat something?" "Jeon Taehyung I swear-" "Ohh what are you guys doing out here skipping school?'' Jin asked as he was holding onto Namjoon's hands. "we would like to ask you guys the same question," Yoongi questioned. 

"Oh us can't you see we're having a couple of dates I mean there are literally only two hours left until school end and you know once it ends I have to go home immediately leaving my Joonie all alone Ho could I do-" "Okay, Okay I get it," Yoongi said in annoyance.

 "How bout u guys? Also on a date?" Jin said in a teasing voice making both of the boys blush which made Namjoon and Jin laugh louder. "seriously why don't you guys date each other already, jeez a bunch of scaredy cats afraid of nothing." Jin voiced out again making both of them think about what they were afraid of and both of them came to the conclusion that the reason was that they both don't want to get rejected which might ruin their friendship.

"Who knows... we'll just tag along to your date if that's fine with you." Taehyung said and just when Jin was about to protest Yoongi said, "Good we'll tag along where would you guys go first?" "Uh" Jin said as he just thought about those two morons ruining their date.

After The Date At Taehyung's Home

When Jungkook came back from work his husband greeted him and prepared dinner. Jimin called for the boys and after the boys came they were all seated at the dining table when everyone was talking about their day Jungkook suddenly asked Taehyung, "Taehyung why did your teacher call me saying you skipped school? I hope you're not hanging out with the wrong crowd. You better not embarrass the Jeon name got it?" Jungkook said in a stern voice. "Yes Father I'm sorry it's just my friend suddenly got sick so I helped him get  home without fainting, I won't do that again." Taehyung lied. "Good." was the only word Jungkook said ignoring what Taehyung might say next.

"Father, can I also be put in 7th grade? Pretty please." Hoseok suddenly said giving puppy eyes to his father which made Jungkook ask one question, "Why?'' "Hmm, probably cause I want to be with Tae-hyung, and if hyung was in 9th grade and I'm in 7th won't it be embarrassing for our Jeon name? So can I be put in the same grade as hyung." "Hmm what you said is right and I'll do what you say don't worry, if they won't put you in the same grade I'll just bribe them for you or we can send you to a better school so what do you say, my baby boy?" "Thank you thank you Father that's why I love you so much," Hoseok shouted in excitement as he went up from his chair to go hug his father.

Everyone was happy and giggling except Taehyung who was just staring at his bowl of rice and holding on tight to his utensils. Of course, only Jimin saw the sight of Taehyung being unhappy yet he just plainly ignored it thinking it was some kind of teenage mindset.



Hmm I was gonna originally update on January 14 my birthday but I just updated the other two cause I had some draft for it but not for this. Anyway hope you like this chapter.

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