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Authors Note
How are y'all finding this plot? Cause I honestly think it's going down like the Titanic. Please let me know if you're enjoying it.


"Ouch! Son of a bitch!"

Due to it being the middle of winter, and being in a frosted forest y/n had slipped over many times.

This time she slipped over, landing on her back and hitting the back of her head on a fallen branch.

Y/n groaned and struggled to stand back up in the snow, but held onto the bush next to her to pull herself up.

She dusted off her coat and pulled her beanie back on her head properly. She adapted some strong winter wear from a passed out witch in the pub.

Y/n pulled out her eye glass Dumbledore left her in his Will and held it up to her eye. She assumed Harry, Ron and Hermione would be hiding behind some enchantments and lucky enough she would be able to see them.

But no luck so far.

It had been at least a week, maybe more since she hears those witches conversation in the pub in Diagon alley.

So for the past week or whatever y/n had been freezing her ass off in The Forest of Dean while searching with her magnifying glass.

She had managed to see a few traps that must have been put up by snatchers. At least she could avoid them.

Y/n had also seen a few snatchers, well a lot actually. It was mainly from a distance but there was a few close calls and they had nearly seen her.

Y/n sat down to take a small break, getting tired. It was starting to get dark and the sun was setting.
She of course hadn't slept well, probably an hour a night at most. It was too risky, even though she did put charms up to hide herself when she slept she was just to paranoid someone will snatch her and lock her back in that cell.

Y/n hadn't taken much thought on how she got out, she knew someone let her out. She was 90% sure it was Narcissa. Because there was no way it was Lucius, maybe it was Draco but why would he? Y/n ruled him out quickly as she knew he would be too much of a coward. It would of had to be Narcissa.

Y/n would never tell anyone though. Even if she did run into the Malfoy's again or the dark lord himself that would put Narcissa in danger. Y/n knew she had some good in her. She wasn't a death eater. She just wanted to protect her family.

Y/n was sitting at the bottom of a hill and she could see the land upon it. It was from a distance but she could see it quickly.

Y/n had been keeping an eye on it in case snatchers decided to show up.

After a few minutes she spotted some figures, her heartbeat quickly increased and she pulled out her wand to protect herself but quickly stopped her spell to hide herself when one of the men looked familiar. Too familiar .

"Dad..." she said in barely a whisper. It was more questionably as she made sure it was him. But even though she couldn't see his face it was undoubtedly him.

"Dad!" Y/n yelled, standing up.

He didn't hear her she was too far away.

𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 (Harry Potter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now