The Snow Sprites And The Winter Shogun!

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Zoren opens his eyes and wakes up to find himself in a familiar place.

Zoren: Where am I?

He then finally realizes the familiar place that he is in, the one where he got is powers before he got reincarnated in the fantasy world.

Zoren: This place, I've seen it before...


Outside of the guild, the entrance is currently being repaired.

Zoren: After my fierce battle against Verdia who turned out to be a leader in the Devil King's army, the season turned into winter. It took everything I had just for Aqua to finish him off for good. Of course, things are gonna start getting ugly from here.

Kazuma, Aqua and Zoren were all in the guild planning their next move. Kazuma ferociously slammed the table.

Kazuma: I want money!

Aqua: Huh? Everyone wants that, obviously! Anyway, you're entirely too unresourceful. Be resourceful and useful like my Zoren over here. You make a goddess like myself and her most loyal follower sleep in a stable every single night!

Zoren: Did she just call me her most loyal follower?

Aqua: Aren't you ashamed of yourself? If you understand that, then give me more luxury. Spoil me more! Spoil me more like Zoren does over here!

Zoren: Now, now, Aqua...

Kazuma: Do you and your boyfriend not get why I want more money?

Aqua: Huh?

Kazuma: DEBT!

Aqua: Eek!

Zoren: Oh boy, what is he gonna say this time?

Kazuma: Thanks to the debt you both racked up, most of the reward money we earn from every quest we do is deducted to repay those debts! Just this morning... Just this morning, when I awoke in the straw of the stable, my eyelashes were frozen solid! If I keep sleeping in that stable, I'm going to freeze to death for sure!

Kazuma: Achoo!

Zoren: Hey, it's not my fault the battle was destructive!

Aqua then slabs the table in response.

Aqua: I can't help it! Zoren always keeps me warm all the time! And besides, this city may have perished in that battle with Verdia if I didn't weaken him for Zoren to take him on and also if not for my super astounding efforts! You should exalt us more! All of you should praise us, praise us, and spoil me rotten like Zoren does over here!

Zoren: Hey, she said it not me. Also not my words.

Kazuma: You attention whore!

Zoren: I knew he'd call her names like that.

Kazuma: If your feats were that astounding, then the rewards, accolades, and debt are all yours! Pay off your debts with Zoren over there.

He stood up from his seat and tries to walk away until Aqua started sobbing and hugged his waist.

Aqua: Wait! I'm sorry! I apologize for getting carried away, so don't abandon me! [sobbing]

Zoren: [sighs] Sometimes this woman can be overbearing.

Darkness and Megumin entered the guild and walked towards the group.

Darkness: Why all the fuss so early in the morning?

Zoren: Aqua just being herself as always.

Megumin: Do we have some nice job lined up?

Kazuma: No, we haven't started looking for work yet. Given the situation and all...

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