One Last Goodbye.

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               "A true master does not seek to run away from death

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"A true master does not seek to run away from death. They accept that they must die as everything comes to an end, those who left us may not be here with us physically, but they will always be alive within us, in our hearts and memories..."

It's been a week since the events of the attacks, Carina was listening to Master Bancroft, who had been the new master of the London sanctum since the reconstruction of the building, make a speech about death and whatever. Carina may be listening to it but she isn't paying much attention to the words, she couldn't, she was too focused on the night sky, the stars that seem dull for the first time in her life.

She was also trying to avoid the bitter stares of the people which came more often than not. Carina can't blame them though, not after all the destruction and chaos she cause inside the temple and out of it, with her own people, her home, and although she can't remember much she knew, she knew those unwelcoming stares were for a reason. Stephen tried to keep her from knowing the extent of what had happened, 'a quick earthquake' he said but she knew it was more than that and she have her ways of knowing– her old iPad which she hardly uses– after a couple of google searches on the recent tragedies, Carina found out that there was a lot Stephen left out. It was a rabbit hole for her, one article led to another, photos, videos of the destruction and all she could do was weep through the night for all those souls that had been unfairly taken from this world, and those who had left with nothing but crumbles of their past life.

Carina blinked away from the night sky to the people around her, she made eye contact with Hanna and for a second she thought the girl would make a face at her, something childish like stick out her tongue but instead Hanna was quick to look away, afraid. She and Eloise have been avoiding her, trying everything to get out of her way, Carina reckons what she did to them, is one of the things she can remember clearly, and while she was a glad the girls were no longer bothering her, all the anger she ever felt toward them wash away and shaped into shame and hot grilling guilt.

"Their souls will be looking after us for death is not the end of life but the freedom of the spirit, so I say we let set them free..."

She glances down at the unlit lantern on her hands, every time there's a death within the sanctums, a Kǒngmíng lantern is lit up for them and set free up into the sky signifying setting their spirit free, though their lanterns aren't like the regular one's, theirs are enchanted to continue to burn no matter where they are, to continue to fly high into the space, for the soul to continue to explore the big mystery the universe is.

The lantern felt heavy on her hands, like the weight of a thousand stones. She was lighting one up for the Ancient One, guilt and grief echo through her chest, because Carina knows it was her who cause her demise.

Having a hard time figuring out how is she going to lit the lantern, Carina glanced at the people around her, most of them have grouped up, for no one wanted to be alone in such a mournful moment, they were using a simple spell to light the lantern before letting them go, Carina however, couldn't, she was alone and she was not about to attempt to use magic, not only because she had never practised it before but because she was afraid of herself.

"Need help?"

A scarred hand went to tap the candle fuel and immediately a flame burn up. Carina looked up at Stephen and gave him a small grateful smile which was returned before looking down at her lantern she closed her eyes and wished for it to fly far away from here, to fly to the end of the universe, discover a new one, but most of all she wished for forgiveness over everything.

Opening her eyes, giving it one last goodbye, she let the lantern go, hoping it will take away some of the shame and guilt with it.

But as Carina watched it flow away, among the sea of lanterns, grief and anger was all she could feel. "It's my fault,"

"No, it's not," Stephen said firmly, looking down at her.

"It is, I know it is," Carina sighs, shaking her head and glancing not at Stephen but at the floor, "Stephen, I cause all of this, all of that.. death and- and destruction."


"Nobody wants me here, and with good reason, I'm everything Mordo said I was, I am a danger to everyone, a freak–"

"Carina," Stephen cut her rambling off, before kneeling to her level, grabbing her shoulders, her amethyst eyes met his determine grey ones. "You are not whatever they say you are, don't let them get under your skin,"

"But it's true, look at what I've–," She couldn't finish the thought, too ashamed to even think about it. "I'm evil, just like h-him."

Stephen frowns, he tightens his hold on her shoulders. "Do you know what the Ancient One told me before she died?"

Carina frowns, having a hard time realizing that Stephen was the last person to speak with her but she looks up at him expectantly.

"She told me that you are good and kind, that you've had a gentle heart and I believe that you are because I know you, and I know you're nothing like him. Carina, I promised her that I'll take care of you and that's it's a promise I intend to keep."

Carina only realise she was crying when a strangled hiccup sneaks out of her. The crimson colour cloak uses his edge to wipe the tear off her face, making her giggle softly, she sniffs peeking at the cloak and then at Stephen. "Nice cloak,"

"Yeah, it has saved my ass a couple of times now," Stephen said, sending her a small grin before it went away. "Carina, you and I will help each other through this, alright?"

Carina nodded, wiping another tear off her face with her sleeve. "Fine, we'll have each other's back,"

"Always," He grins again before sighing and standing back up, keeping a hand on her shoulder as they watch the lanterns go up higher into the sky. "Okay, enough with the sappy feelings, I'm in the mood for some ice cream, aren't you?"

"I could go for some ice cream..." Carina sniffles. "But I don't think there's any in the kitchens."

Stephen shrugged, "Maybe not here but I'm positive there's some in the New York, sanctum. We should hurry before Wong decides to have a snack."

"Yeah, okay but before that, I need to grab something from my room."

"Sure, but hurry up, or I'll leave you," Stephen told her seriously, though Carina knew he wouldn't.

Carina tsks, rolling her teary eyes. "Impatient as always."

"You've got two minutes before I leave. One- Two—"

"Geez, I'm going." Carina huffs before swiftly leaving for her room, she climb the stairs two steps out of time, and once she arrived she packed a few things knowing she was going to stay at the New York sanctum for a while, at least until it all cools down, painting, books and a few robes, but most importantly, the picture she has kept under her pillow, the picture of her mother.

Carina sat down on her bed and stared at her mother. It took her a bit to realize but she had a deep gut feeling that the woman who was with her in the strange veil was Moira, it was her mother. The thought brought her a small comfort, perhaps it was a petulant one but it was a comfort nonetheless.

After a moment, Carina sighs and stood up from her bed, pocketing the picture before leaving her room, leaving the Kamat-Taj to New York.

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