Act II

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That's what they all became after Thanos, the mad titan, with a simple snap of fingers, was able to dematerialize half the population on earth into nothing but dust.

That's what Wong told her once she had woken from the unconscious state the Alien had left her in. At first, Carina wouldn't believe it, she simply couldn't.

She would not believe that he had done it, that Thanos had successfully acquired all of the infinity stones and what he did with all that power was to vanish half the population to which not only the earth was the receiver of the power of the stones but the entire universe was affected as well. Carina wouldn't believe it because she couldn't stomach it.

Because if that was true, it meant something must have happened to Stephen Strange, to someone she thought of as family. Carina simply refused to believe something bad happened to someone she cared for again, but as much as she tried to reject any thought, she inevitably had to accept it, he was gone along with trillions of people.

It was the hard reality.

After Carina ceased her sobbing, she calmed herself enough to ask Wong what he knew about everything, what had happened and it seems she missed a few things while knocked out.

While tending to the wound on her forehead which she when gain fighting the Alien, he told her that the Avengers made a worldwide statement explaining everything that was happening. There were two fights; One of those happen in Wakanda, most of the Avengers joined forces with the wakandians to protect Vision, King T'challa (who was one of the victims of Thanos) and his army fight fiercely alongside them but Thanos had the upper hand for he had most of the Stones already, in Wakanda he finally got the mind stone, vision's stone, leading to the catastrophic nightmare they were living in. Then, there was the battle on another planet, he said he knew little of that one, but the ones who left the earth on the colossus doughnut-shaped spaceship were Iron Man, surprisingly Spider-Man and Stephen.

No one knew of them, of what had happened to them which was very concerning. Everything about this situation was. No one could do anything but wait until the Avengers make another statement of the events, hoping that whatever this is happening only for a few hours, temporary, a jump scare, but Carina knew better than to wish for the mighty heroes to fix everything back to what it was.

Wishing that was nothing but a feeble dream.

But one thing Carina knew was that they didn't go down without a fight, they fought with everything they got and that in itself was a comforting thought but still, No one could have stopped him, not the Avengers, not Stephen, not the wakandians, not anyone...

And now, there's nothing left to do but to make something with the world they were left with.

"Death wasn't the worst thing in life

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"Death wasn't the worst thing in life. The worst is what dies within us as we continue to live."



---- ACT II ----

Avengers: End Game.

Spiderman: Far From Home.

Spiderman: No Way Home. 

Doctor Strange: House of Madness. 

Future Features: Hawkeye. Eternals. She-Hulk. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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