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What is this awkward situation?

Yeonjun rolled his eyes for the fourth time in the last five minutes at his brother who won't stop glaring at him, eyes full of what I'm assuming rage.

Soobin, Yeonjun's boyfriend stood behind his boyfriend, looking down at his shoes as if he was caught doing something nasty. Which he was.

"Leave, San" Yeonjun spoke finally. "Right now"

San's eyes shifted for a second to look at me before he shook his head. "You are an asshole"

"Fuck off" Yeonjun spoke through gritted teeth and dragged his brother out of his office, slamming the door on his face.

He walked back to the spot where a sofa was situated and slumped down on the black leather couch.

"There was no need for you to be so rude." I finally said, gaining both boy's attention.

"Shut up Jung" he sighed. "Do not annoy me"

Oh how I wish I could smack him in the face.

"Jun" Soobin walked over to him and caressed his face. "Calm down please"

And he did indeed calmed down almost instantly.

I sat in front of him and crossed my arms.

"You wanted to talk"

Yesterday Yeonjun told me that he had something urgent to discuss with me and he needed to see me as early as possible in his office, that's why I had to rush here to his dad's company an hour after checking in my own office.


He leaned forwards and intertwined his fingers with Soobin's who blushed under his touch.

"I love Soobin." He said. "Not you"

As soon as these words left his lips, I bursted out chuckling.

"I can see that" I said, trying to suppress my laughter.

"That's why we need a divorce" he said with a straight face, signaling to the two of us.

"Not happening" I retorted.

"Come on Jung" he whined. This is the first time I heard him talk in this tone.

"Nope" I stood up. "I'm not going to go against my dad."

That's true. I hate Yeonjun but arguing with my dad for him, never happening. I don't want to be disowned.

I strutted to the door and was about to push it open, when Yeonjun said something that piqued my interest.

"A year. We file for a divorce a year from today."

I turned to look back at him and caught him smiling.

"In one year we would have completely merged and our divorce won't allow us to split the company. It's a win-win"

I grin back at him. This man has brains.


And I walked out, following the path that led me straight to the parking lot where someone was already waiting for me.


San occupied the shotgun while I drove us to the nearest Starbucks drive through.

"Take a picture" I smirked. "That would last longer"

San instantly looked away. That man had been staring at me for the past twenty minutes without blinking.

"Are you okay?" He finally broke the silence.

"Yes, why?" I asked.

"You know" he scratched the back of his neck before continuing. "With my brother and.." he trailed off.

Oh. I get what he is implying here. What happened an hour ago was, I met San in the lift and he was kind enough to escort me to Yeonjun's chamber as I am really bad with directions. However, as soon as we opened the doors, our eyes landed upon two figures glued together, eating each other's faces off. Soobin and Yeonjun. They didn't hear us come in and oh my poor eyes.

Now, I knew about Yeonjun and Soobin. Infact, I don't really care whether Yeonjun was committed or was just a rich Playboy, I never cared. But San, he got furious. He almost pounced onto Yeonjun and I had to stop him from creating a scene. I think he thought that Yeonjun and I were serious and props to him, he was ready to fight his brother for a stranger. Not really a stranger but you know what I mean.

"Don't worry about it" I replied and smiled.

San's eyes widened. "What do you mean? Your husband is cheating on you and you are fine with it?" He said, exasperated.

I stopped the car in front of the small window and turned around to look at him. "What do you want to have?"

He looked at my face dumbfounded, but replied nonetheless. "Pink drink"

I stiffled a laugh and nodded. "One iced Americano and one pink drink please"

"Wooyoung I cannot believe you are so chill about the whole situation"

Looking at him all concerned and worried, I wished I could pinch his cheeks. He was nothing like his brother.

"Let me tell you a secret" I said, rolling down the windows to pay for the drinks.

"Yeonjun and I are married, right?" I handed him his drink and smiled. He nodded.

"Well, we are married. Not in love" I said as blankly as possibly.

"You don't marry someone if you don't love them" he said, taking a sip of his pink drink.

"We did." I extended my hand and wiped the foam that had dripped down to his lips. "He loves someone else. Not me."

He studied my face, not uttering a word.

"Neither do I love him."

He nodded, hopefully understanding what I was trying to explain.

The rest of the ride was silent. I dropped him outside the Choi mansion and was about to drive back to my dad's office but San tapped on my window, asking me to roll down.


He looked straight in my eyes and said, "do you love someone?"

I didn't have to think. "No" I shook my head. "No, I don't"

San hummed, a tiny, very tiny smile creeping across his lips.

"Okay" he jogged back inside, leaving me questioning this little questionnaire we just had.


MY HUSBAND'S BROTHER [woosan fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora