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"What exactly am I doing here?"

Yeonjun groaned, crossing his arms in front of him.

"Can you stop whining?" I rolled my eyes at the man sitting beside me. "Losen up a bit."

Yeonjun gave me an angry look but didn't say anything.

It was a Tuesday afternoon when I barged into his office and dragged this guy out of his office. On any other day, Yeonjun would have killed me for laying a finger on him but thanks to San and Jongho who attacked him with puppy dog eyes was I saved. I owe Jongho one. He was the one who had to immerse himself in the role of a cute golden retriever to get Yeonjun to accompany us. Such a sweetheart.

"Do you not like hanging out with us?" I asked him, watching Jongho and San fighting over the last donut.

Yeonjun shrugged his shoulders and sipped his americano. "It's not like that."

"Then what?" I questioned again. "Is it because you have to pretend to be a couple with me?"

Yeonjun tensed at this. We have talked about this before and neither of us is comfortable with the whole acting lovey-dovey in public. We are rich and popular so it was obvious for news reporters to follow us and click our pictures but because we are married, whether in reality or just on paper, people would go to any lengths to click a picture of me and Yeonjun together. Mostly all of them want pictures where we look distant or not in love but for the sake of our families, Yeonjun and I gotta put on a show whenever we step out in public together. We have to look married, no matter how hard it is.

"Not really" Yeonjun looked away, not making eye contact with me, probably remembering how we had to interlock our fingers because we ran into a news reporter outside the Cafe.

I smiled softly. "It's okay. I know."

Yeonjun shook his head. "It's not you." He played with his fingers. "I have a lot of work to do. I cannot spend my time hanging out like this."

I patted his shoulder. He didn't shrug my hand away so I decided it was fine to touch him.

"When was the last time you relaxed?" I asked him.

He thought for a while. "I'm not sure."

"I never see you resting or going on holidays. Yeonjun you have been overworking yourself."

He closed his eyes and ran a hand through his black hair. "What can I do? I'm the CEO."

I feel bad for him. We are the same age but Yeonjun has a lot of responsibility on his back. Especially after the merging of our businesses, he has been working even on weekends. It's not like I don't help him. I do, but his dad is the opposite of mine. Mr. Choi pressures his children a lot. No matter how hard San and Yeonjun work, he is never satisfied. It's a miracle he let Jongho do his thing till he retires. After that, the poor kid would have to work as much as his brothers.

"Let's forget about work today." I smiled at him. "We are here to shop for your man's birthday, you should be excited."

As soon as his boyfriend was mentioned, Yeonjun started smiling. "Okay," he said, drinking the last of his drink.

"If you are done flirting," Jongho raised his eyebrows and smirked, "Can we go check out the stores?"

I removed my arm from around Yeonjun's shoulder and coughed, clearing my throat. Yeonjun nodded, getting up and going over to the counter to pay for our food.

"Where should we go first?"

I asked Jongho, who was happily walking with Yeonjun beside him, interlocking their arms. I feel really happy, seeing the young boy being able to spend time with his hyung who shows up once in a blue moon.

MY HUSBAND'S BROTHER [woosan fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now