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"So you are saying" the man played with the keys in his hands and raised his eyebrows at his best friend, "that a divorce is possible?"

I nodded. "Yes, after a year we will file for a divorce" I explained. "Yeonjun said we would have merged everything by then."

The man hummed. He looked a bit unsure because in their world, having a divorce is never easy, especially when it involves family businesses. How does he know this? Simple, he also comes from a cheabol family. He has seen forced weddings that are just another deal signed.

"Imagine you fall for him in the meantime" he chuckled, receiving a book thrown at his face.

"Shut up Changbin" I said, obviously furious at this weird thought. "He already loves someone. I would never ruin a relationship."

Changbin laughed. "Kidding. I know how much you hate him"

That's true. I call Changbin almost every night and rant about how much I oathes my so called husband and that I would do anything to get away from him.

"Just saying, if you do end up falling in lo-"

A table calender came flying and smacked Changbin square in the face. "I won't!"

Changbin raised both of his hands in defeat. "Alright. I trust you"

A pout formed on my lips and I crossed my arms. "Enemies to lovers sounds good only when it comes to your love story" I said. "I prefer the strangers to lovers trope for myself."

Changbin rubbed his nose where he was hit. "Nobody can match my love story"

I agree. "That's true. I can't believe Felix fell for a broke man"

"Yah!" Changbin shouted. "I'm just taking things easy right now. And I have money, you know it"

That's actually correct. Changbin doesn't work for his dad. He turned down the offer to study law and went on to pursue arts. But that doesn't mean his dad doesn't support him financially. He owns a black card which makes him the opposite of broke.

"Ok ok" I was chuckling at this point. "I know you will make it big one day. I believe in you."

Changbin smiled at me, his best friend. No matter how much we tease each other, at the end of the day, we have each other's backs. Typical best friends you know.

"I'll get going" Changbin got up and fixed his shirt. "I'm taking Felix out today"

He winked at me and hurried outside. "Lucky mf" I mumbled. Sometimes I do feel like having someone to bring on dates but oh well, I need to wait. I'm not lucky like my bestie.


I had to work really hard for the entire afternoon. Signing papers, attending meetings, phone calls, clients, and everything you expect from a CEO-to-be. Being an only child comes with both pros and cons. You get the entire company, you rule it however you want, you get all shares, but what's not fun is the workload. The amount of things I have to take care of is insane. But what can I do? I have no siblings or even cousins. My dad is the only son and my two aunts got married to rich businessmen which means that their kids would run their dad's company, leaving me and my father alone, and thats why, as s successor, I need to put a lot of work and effort to become someone people would trust and follow.

"Mr Jung?"

I look up from my desk and saw my secretary standing by the door.

"Yes?" I question.

"Someone wants to see you" she said.

I sighed. "Ask them to come tomorrow. I have to go back home."
My secretary pursed her lips. "But sir, they have been waiting for a while now."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes. It was 9 pm, why was this person so eager to meet him?

"Fine" I sat down. "What's their name"

"Choi Soobin, sir"


The two of us ate in silence. Because it was already late and Soobin isn't my client, I decided to meet him over dinner. Currently we are dining in a very fine restaurant which is run by my best friend's boyfriend's dad, aka, Felix' dad. This was a place I frequented whenever I wanted some alone time but today, I had someone with me.

"Thanks for the meal Wooyoung-ssi" Soobin smiled at me after we were done with their food.

"Plesse call me Wooyoung"

Soobin nodded.

"So," I began, bringing a glass of expensive wine to my lips. "What's up?"

Soobin pursed his lips. "I came here to have a talk with you"

"Go on"

Soobin put down his glass and looked me straight in my eyes.

"We were in high school when we met, Yeonjun and I. And since day one, I knew that he was the one for me."

Okay, I'm  puzzled. Why is Soobin telling me about his past with Yeonjun?

"He was your typical rich bad boy straight out of a wattpad novel" he chuckled. "And you could say that I was the nerd nobody noticed."

"Our friendship was unexpected but not something impossible to happen. We knew each other already because of our background but we never mingled with each other. We were so different, yet so similar."

I nodded, signaling Soobin to continue. "He had anger issues, I was that anxious kid who would sit at the very back. He was rowdy, I was quiet, always away from the public eye. He had a friend group, and I was a loner, but you know we were in the same situation. We both were lonely. Nobody was our friend. Real friend."

I hummed. I am well aware of this because I  experienced this myself. Changbin and i were popular too but nobody really liked us. Perks of being a chaebol you see.

"We bonded. It was really funny to see the nerd and the bad boy hanging out but it didn't matter. We stuck together and one day, we fell in love"

Soobin smiled softly at the fond memory. "For his entire life, Yeonjun has never had people by his side. He was constantly being overworked by his dad. The pressure of being the oldest was really bad on him. But he survived. Yeonjun managed to ace his college exams and gain the trust of his dad. In everyone's eyes, he achieved everything. Except one thing."

"Love" I said.

"Exactly." Soobin nodded. "I'm not allowed to be his lover."

"But why?" I was totally invested at this point. "You are the heir of Choi Motors. You are filthy rich"

Soobin smiled sadly. "Reasons."

I didn't pry anymore.

"Yeonjun and I cannot be seen in public. I cannot be there for him everytime and that's why Wooyoung, can you take care of him for me?"

I looked at the man in front of me. Soobin looked like a sad bunny and I hated that expression on his face. He was almost my friend. I don't him to be sad.

"Please, it's only for a while. He is not doing well these days. He gets angry and is skipping his meals, just like he did all these years ago."

I nodded. I have noticed this too.

"Take care of him. He needs someone by his side."

I took Soobin's hands in mine and smiled. "I promis you Soobin. No matter how much I hate him, I'll make sure he is alive. Just for you."


(Acc to google)
Chaebol: (in South Korea) a large family-owned business conglomerate

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