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I grew up as a single child. Even though I had people around me, I always felt a little lonely. Whenever Changbin would tell me about the fights he had with his elder sister, I would have this sudden urge to have a sibling too. Someone you could fight with, share your secrets with, and discuss cute guys with, sounds fun, doesn't it?

When I was seven, in my Christmas wishlist I included a baby brother, thinking that Santa would grant my wish. But it never happened. At least not until the day I married Yeonjun.

His youngest brother, Jongho, reminds me of myself but in a different font. He likes to spend his days with himself. I used to be like this too. He is aloof, and doesn't bother about stuff around him. Like me. And he likes art. I like art too.

"I never knew that a penguin wearing a tuxedo would make my heart flutter."  Jongho grinned at me, showing his cute gummy teeth.

"Wait till you see a penguin in a wedding dress" I chuckled. "Ladies are gorgeous."

Jongho nodded. "They indeed are but I prefer guy penguins."

I smiled. "Me too"

Today I had a day off. Jongho had a day off. Because I was home alone and had no one to bother, I asked him to accompany me to this digital art showcase that was being held at my favorite library. At first, he simply ignored me but then I bribed him with chicken nuggets and my man agreed to tag along. I love him so much.

"I read this book in middle school" he pointed at a Judy Moody fanart. "I shipped her with the guy in glasses."

I laughed. I know exactly what he is talking about.

After looking at pretty fan art for an hour or so, Jongho and I decided to check out some books. Apparently, he liked reading. Like a lot.

We walked to my favorite section, the Manga aisle.

Changbin says that I look like someone who would read non-fiction books. If not non-fiction, then probably some murder thrillers. When he first found out that I liked anime and manga, he laughed at me and said that I was joking. I mean, can't a grown man like bunny girl senpai?

Jongho picked up a book from the pile and held it out to me. "What does this say?"

I translated the title that was written in Japanese. "Fruits Basket"

He nodded. "Is it good?"

"It's one of my favorite series."

Jongho thought for a while. "Help me find the English version."

I scanned the shelves for a particular pink spine book with a high school girl on the cover. I remember reading this series when I was in middle school and till today, I think that Akito Sohma is the hottest baddie.

"Found it" Jongho called out to me. He was standing in front of the shelf that held English Mangas. He pointed at the last copy on the topmost shelf. "That's the one right?"


He tiptoed but still couldn't reach it. There was no point in me trying because Jongho was already a couple of inches taller and I was not going to embarrass myself.

"I think I'll ask the librarian for the ladder," I said.

"Naah, I'll reach it" he once again stood on his tippy toes and stretched his arm, his fingers managing to brush the paperback only slightly.

"Come on" Jongho muttered under his breath and tried again, however, he didn't have to this time. Because someone had already pulled out the book for him.

A guy stood right behind Jongho and had managed to very easily reach over the younger.

"You wanted this right?" The guy handed the book to Jongho who was staring at him wide-eyed. I had to poke the side of his waist to get him out of his trance.

"Y-yeah," he said and smiled cutely. "Thanks"

The guy nodded. "That's a very interesting choice," he said and turned around, walking away from us.

Jongho looked at me, "is it that embarrassing to read manga?"

I shook my head. "Nope. But that book," I showed him the cover picture, "is definitely interesting."


The two of us found a table for ourselves and decided to read for a while. I was re-reading Tokyo Ghoul for the fifteenth time and I kid you not, it still manages to amaze me.

It's a good thing that we were dressed casually otherwise imagine walking in a library and seeing two men in business suits reading comics. I know it's nothing to be ashamed of but I seriously hate the looks people throw at me as if I was reading some questionable stuff.

Jongho seemed to have fallen in love with Fruits Basket. He said that he only read young adult and that today was the first time he tried manga. Because he liked the book so much, I decided to buy him the entire series. Yes, all 23 volumes.

Jongho and I stood in line to get our books checked out. It wasn't long but there was a guy who was busy scanning twenty books.

"Sorry for the hold up" he pocketed his card and bowed.

"No no, it's ok" I replied, handing Jongho our books.

The guy looked at me and for some reason, his mouth opened. "Aren't you Mr. Jung?"

I gave him a confused look. "Yes?"

He smiled. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Jung. I am Kang Taehyun."

"You are the second son aren't you?" I smiled back at him. I know his dad. He is friends with my dad. I think he had mentioned them having two sons.

"Yes!" We shook hands. "And that's my older brother" he pointed at a boy with jet-black hair.

"Hyung" he called out to the guy who was standing near the windows, looking out.

When he heard his brother call his name, he turned around and walked over to the small group.

"Hyung, this is Mr. Jung" Taehyun told him.

The guy softly smiled. "My name is Yeosang. Kang Yeosang."

As we were shaking hands, I heard Jongho gasp. I guess he finally found out the name of the guy who picked up his book for him.

"He is Jongho, my brother-in-law."

I introduced them and they exchanged smiles and handshakes. I noticed how Jongho was trembling a little when Yeosang smiled at him. Cute.

"We will let you shop," Yeosang said.

"Bye Mr. Jung" Taehyun waved. "By Jongho" and the two brothers walked away.

On our ride back home, Jongho didn't speak. He just looked out of the window, munching on the nuggets that I got him, and kept smiling like a fool. 

I think this kid has a crush ;)


I know Jongho is taller than Yeosang. Let's pretend he was wearing heels :')

MY HUSBAND'S BROTHER [woosan fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now