01 Reunion

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"(l/n)" Shepard said, grabbing a file from off his desk, the file had your name and photo on the front. "Good news, you finally get some action." the older man said, opening the file.

"I'm sorry, what?" you asked, you were a coordinator just like your father had been. You couldn't fight for shit, but your intelligence and skills were enough to catch the attention of Shepard, who asked for your help in planning attacks and missions.

"You're leaving soon, for a mission down in Mexico. I'm sending you to the 141 task force. They need your assistance," he stated, keeping it short and simple. "Says here you know someone in that task force." he places up at you from your paper, "who would that be?" you asked, "Sergeant Johnny Mactavish," Shepard responded, looking to see your reaction.

You looked up, your eyes widened as you recognized that name, your old friend Soap. Hearing that name made you pause for a moment and think about him. You hadn't thought about Soap in a while,

"How long do I have 'till I go?" You asked Shepard, who was taking his time reading your file. "About an hour till the plane takes off. Best you go now so you don't miss it." He said coldly, you nodded a bit, and after being dismissed you left immediately to grab your things and leave. You couldn't bring much, but you had brought enough.

There were about 20 other soldiers on that flight, all of them in helmets and gear, while you had nothing but a shirt and pants. You weren't a fighter, you worked behind the scenes and you liked it that way. It was easier.

A soldier looked at you before speaking, barely able to be heard over the sound of the jets. "What are ya doing here?" He said in a thick accent. You looked at him, "oh...I'm just a coordinator," you said quietly, trying to keep it as secretive as possible. The man nodded, he noticed the awkwardness in your voice and left you alone.

'How long had it been?' You thought, getting off the aircraft to meet your friend, someone you hadn't seen for years

Soap waited patiently for you, he had done so all day. His eyes glanced from side to side, looking for his old friend but not recognizing anybody getting off the plane.

As soon as you stepped off you heard a loud, "Oi!" From a while away, you turned your head to see Soap MacTavish, smiling from ear to ear. The thumping of his boots could barely be heard over the sounds of the roaring engines on the planes and jets.

"You're even smaller than I remember!" Soap laughed, his hair had been cut into a mohawk, which made you chuckle. "It's nice to see you, Johnny," you said, and before you knew it you felt two large arms wrap around you, pulling you into a tight hug.

Your arms wrapped around your friend, who had been like your brother since the day you two met.

Soap helped you take your bags back to the truck, making sure you were close behind him. "The group is...odd to say the least." He said, hopping into the front seat. A man who you did not know was driving.

"But I'm sure you'll fit in well, these guys are good, they'll protect you." Soap said with a smile plastered on his face. You nodded, taking a deep breath, the smell of gasoline and sweat was strong, very strong.

It only took a few minutes to get back to base, soap showed you everything. From your planning room to the people staying there. He introduced you to Price first, the man had brown hair that was greying a bit, his eyes were blue and he had a British accent.

Next up was Gaz, who was busy at the moment but shook for hand, only to run off and do some more work. Near him was Alejandro, who gladly shook your hand, he placed his hands by his side and looked at you, "you're much different than how I expected you to be." He said, his voice raspy.

You nodded a bit, "Is that good or bad?" You asked, and he chuckled, "good, you look like an interesting person." He said, smiling.

Soap introduced you to many people working there, he looked as if he was searching for somebody though. Eventually, he took you into a woods-like area, "this place is safe, I need you to wait here," he said, placing a hand on your shoulder "there's someone I got to find." He took his hand away and went off, soon he was out of sight.

The sight around you was stunning, it was warm and humid. You took out a water bottle and drank it, looking down at the camp from where you were. You looked to see if you could find Soap from the height, but he was nowhere to be found. You began to take the gun out of your holster. You had no idea how to use it, but you thought it would scare bad people away.

You looked at the gun, tracing your fingers along the handle, a part of you wanted to learn how to use it. I mean, who doesn't love a badass woman on a team of mostly men?

Having waited for hours for soap, he never came to get you, but being yourself you decided to get up and try and find your way back to camp. The sounds of your feet against the dirt were almost satisfying, the sky was now dark and the air began to cool down a bit.

The sound of other footsteps began to be heard, the trees rustled as you turned around, but nothing. The footsteps stopped the time yours did. You felt as though you were being watched.

"Hello?" You said, "I'm armed! Don't come near me!" you shouted as you gently reached for the gun. You backed up, feeling anxious and very aware of your surroundings, you heard a branch rustle from above you and looked up, and before long you felt a force knock you down, tackling you and knocking the wind from your body.

You gasped a bit, looking up to see a ghostly sight. It was a man, with a mask. The mask had a skull on it, you weren't able to make out the eyes, but you could hear his breathing as he grabbed a knife.

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