09 Heartbeat

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Your recovery went by quickly after Ghost began taking care of you more. Pretty soon your leg stopped hurting when you rested, and your crutch was rarely used anymore.

You always made flirty jokes towards Simon, he would either roll his eyes or freeze up, god he was so awkward. Then again, you liked that about him.

The two of you often talked about the mission, while he changed your bandages you heard his voice, "oi, can you make me a deal?" He said, you raised your eyebrow and looked at him. "What's that deal?" You questioned. Simon looked at you, "always put the missions before others, even each other." He said, a part of you was a bit shocked he asked this.

"Of course! Why wouldn't we?" Your body sat up fully, looking down at Simon, who was on his knees in front of you, his hands on your leg taking care of your injury.

The sight of this made you blush. Simon's eyes were glued to you, his hands gripped your leg so he could put the bandages on. "Even me." He said, you nod, "I'll always put the mission before you, and you'll do the same for me?" You asked, chucking a bit. He nodded.

"Simon?" You said, he nodded a bit, "why do you do this?" You question.

Simon grabbed the new bandages and sighed, "you're not a pushover, and you're a good fighter." He spoke, and you can tell he was emotionally shutting down, but you pushed further.

"Do you like me?" You smile, Simon rolled his eyes, "I don't like anyone-" You gently put your hand on his cheek, making him cut his sentence short. You couldn't tell what he was thinking, but he was frozen in place.

You gently spoke, making sure he understood you cared for him. "Thank you for everything." Reaching down you did something risky, you hugged him. At first, you thought he would pull away, but instead, he froze more, eventually feeling comfortable enough to rest his chin on your shoulder.

You smiled when he did, his breathing was faintly heard and his body was beginning to get less tense. After a bit, he pulled away, and your eyes met once again, "wanna stay here tonight?" You asked, he shook his head, "I can't..." he muttered, you nodded, not wanting to push him.

You scooted down to the floor, Simon gripped your hips and put you on his lap. To be honest, you were a bit shocked by his forwardness, but you didn't complain. Your head rested against his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

It was slow and rhythmic, you began to close your eyes while Simon finished your leg, he kept his hands on your bandages and leaned his head back against the bed, closing his eyes and beginning to fall asleep.

Nothing could've prepared you for him, you couldn't understand why he cared about you, or why you were special to him, but you knew at that moment that your goal was to be with this man.

Your next mission was to be with Simon "Ghost" Riley.

(AN: hi!! Kind of a short chapter but I just wanted to let y'all know that after this chapter is where the real romance begins, oh boy this is going to be fun to write.)

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