02 Ghost

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"N-No wait a minute!" you said, trying to grab your gun, but he pinned your arms down, just then you hear a familiar voice.

"LT! SHE'S WITH ME!" soap yelled.

"Who the hell is she." the man said, his voice was rough, and he had a thick British accent that sent chills down your spine.

"(y/n) (l/n), sir. I'm the coordinator that Shepard sent," you said, shaken up from the previous occurrence. The man stared at you. "(y/n), this is Lieutenant S-." "Ghost," the man, now known as Ghost said, cutting Soap off from his sentence.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Ghost," you said, reaching your hand out for him to shake. Ghost stared at your hand for a second, before shaking it quickly, he pulled it away and put his knife back in its holder.

"That was quite the introduction, LT," Soap said, cracking a joke. Ghost walked past you two, his eyes refusing to meet yours. "You're too soft for this job." Ghost said while leaving.

You watched as he walked off, Soap sighed. "You'll have to forgive him, he doesn't like new people very much," he said, scratching a bit at his head.

After some thought, you nodded, "it's fine, he was probably just scared and thought I might have been bad," you say quietly, trying to justify Ghost's actions.

Soap sighed, he looked over at you and smiled, messing your hair up as he took you back to camp.

Your "bed" wasn't comfortable at all, you slept on the floor while they were preparing a new bed for you. As you sat up, footsteps could be heard outside your door, and you froze.

"(Y/N)?" A Scottish voice said, you recognized it as Soap. "Yeah? I'm up." You yawned and got up, opening the door. Soap smiled a bit, "you're needed." He said. You stood there confused. "At this time of night??" You asked, raising an eyebrow towards your friend.

Soap shrugged as he walked away, signaling for you to follow him. You walked up to Price's office and opened the door, seeing Price and Ghost in there. "Ah! Lady of the hour! Come in." Price said, taking his hat off.

Ghost turned his head to the side a bit, looking over at you, he looked you directly in the eyes. Once your eyes met him he looked away. Something about him seemed angry and hateful. 'What the hell is his deal?' You thought to yourself as the man looked down at the table.

Approaching Price's table you found a map laying there. "A map? What's this for?" You questioned while yawning, Price nodded. "Sorry for the late wake-up call, (l/n), but we needed you." he began, "see this? It's a map of the local area, the circled parts are the locations of people we need to take down."

"The cartel?" you asked, Price nodded. "Exactly, smart girl," he said, Ghost chimed in, "we need your help, you're going to be our eyes for this," he said, standing up straight and pointing to the first location, not breaking any eye contact with you.

"This first location is dangerous, but you're going to guide us around with the map, take us inside, and explore the place." Ghost continued. You nod and look down at the map. "I'm sure I can do this, but, what will happen if I sustain an injury?" you ask again.

Price looked at Ghost, "my good friend here is going to be teaching you how to fight so that won't happen." he said, Ghost's dark eyes widened as he looked at Price.

"Pardon?" he doubted, Price nodded, "you're going to teach her how to use weapons and fight properly, get her skills up." He stated.

Ghost fell silent and looked back down at the map, "fine." He grumbled, his accent thick and raspy, apart of you began to get flustered.

"Tomorrow afternoon, I'll have Soap look for a good spot in the forest for you two. It won't be long, only about two hours each day. Once we think you're good then we'll attack." Price said, you sighed a bit and nodded slightly, feeling a sense of dread wash over you.

"Alright! Get to bed, you two have a long day tomorrow." Price smiled and escorted you and Ghost out, closing the door behind him. The two of you stood there for a moment.

"I'm not going easy on you, so be prepared for this training, soldier." He said, you gulped a bit and felt yourself get nervous, "I'm sorry, but I'm not that good with fighting." You said, looking down to avoid eye contact.

Ghost began to walk away, "then you'll learn, if we fail this mission it will be your fault. Remember that, (l/n)." He said.

You sighed and went to your room, laying back down on the floor you turned to face the wall, closing your eyes. The room was silent, but soon the creaking sound of your door awoke you, looking over you see a black figure looking at you, and then vanishing quickly.

By the sound of his footsteps, you knew it was Ghost...

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