03 Training

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You were awoken by the sound of pounding on your door, having not gotten enough sleep the previous night you groaned.

"Up and at 'em, soldier," Ghost said from beyond the door, you yawned as your door opened. Ghost stood there with his arms crossed and mask on, he was prepared to kick your ass and you were kinda terrified.

Soap waited for you two in the spot they ghost-picked...it was the same spot where you were almost killed by this maniac.

Ghost stopped walking, looking back at you before cracking his neck. "Soap is gonna teach you how to use guns and knives, or any weapon for that matter," The Brit began, "I'll be in charge of your combat skills. Every time you take me down you get a reward." He said.

The way he said that made your face flush a bit, and you stared at him, "Uhm- what kind of reward?" You asked, curious.

"Probably candy or something." Soap shrugged, pulling out a sack of candy with Spanish wording on it. You chuckled and nodded.

"Okay, great." You said, laughing a bit. As Ghost walked beside you and towards Soap you heard his voice, "sick fuck." He mumbled, your face got red as you stopped walking, and the man chuckled under his mask, looking back at you with a shit-eating grin you couldn't see.

Most of the day you got the shit beaten out of you, over, and over, and over again. Only taking an hour break once in a while to shoot a gun or use a knife. Unfortunately, your skills were getting nowhere and you became exhausted.

You had never gone through this much work in your life. By the end of it, you felt yourself collapse on the floor, trying to catch your breath. "C'mon Soldier, get up!" Ghost yelled from across the area, you couldn't get up, feeling an agonizing and painful heat in your legs.

You heard footsteps come over and pulled you up, Soap sighed. "I think that's enough for today, LT." Soap said, and with that Ghost grabbed his things and left you two, heading back to base.

"Jesus, what's his problem?" You questioned, looking over at Soap, breathing heavily. "Oh he has problems alright, but they're problems you don't gotta worry about." Soap said, helping you back to base.

You got back to your small room to see a bed placed in there, you smiled and sat on it. The bed felt sturdy and hard. 'Finally, I should thank Price.' You thought to yourself

You closed your eyes and laid back until you heard a noise you recognized, footsteps outside of your room. Ghost's footsteps.

You got up, and opened your door, but saw nothing, which was odd. "What the fuck...?" You mumbled, closing your door.


God only knows how long you've been asleep. You hear Soap at your door and groan, "c'mon, I've been trying to get ya up for hours." He said, upset and annoyed.

You opened to door and looked at him, his eyes widened, "(y/n), are your eyes supposed to be that bloodshot? Are you high?" He asked, you shook your head.

"Nope, just very tired, Johnny." You said, he chucked and looked in your room, seeing the bed. "Price got that set up for you, Simon brought in those pillows, lucky." He continued, "you're the only one who has more than a single pillow-" "who's Simon?" You asked, cutting his sentence off.

Soap's eyes widened, "ah shit, he didn't want me to say anything," Soap sighed before continuing. "It's Ghost, his name. It's Simon." He said, once again for some reason you feel flushed.

A tall, mysterious man with no face to be shown who is ALSO super strong has a handsome name as well? You've hit the jackpot coming here.

You smiled and closed your door on Soap's face so you could get ready. You grabbed your gun and knives and got ready to go out to train again, only this time, Ghost wasn't there.

"Hello?" You spoke, looking around. You could faintly hear the sound of a blade behind you, you turned around and grabbed onto an arm coming straight for your head.

Ghost glared at you, "fast reflexes...you'd live for at least 2.6 more seconds before getting killed. You're improving, slightly." The Brit said.

He pushed you away to get you to let go, putting the blade back into his belt. He wasn't wearing his usual attire, today it was a black shirt and pants, and his belt had guns and knives attached to it, you looked at his belt, studying the weapons.

"Eyes up here, pervert." He said, grabbing a gun and tossing it to you. You caught it shockingly and looked at the tall man, "for your information I was looking at your belt!" You said defensively, he simply just rolled his eyes, "uh-huh, sure thing, soldier."

"Whatever, where is Soap? He said he'd meet me here." You asked. Ghost began putting more things into his belt from the table, "had something to do, so it's just the two of us." He coldly spoke, the shirt was so tight on you you could see the outline of his chest and abs, which made your cheeks get red.

"Lieutenant?" You ask, he glanced over at you, "what is it, (l/n)?" He responded, a bit annoyed. "What do I call you?" You asked once more.

"You call me Lieutenant. Or Ghost" Ghost grabbed his mask, readjusting it so he could see properly.

"Are you fucked up under there, Lieutenant?" You asked, he shook his head. "Then why do you wear it?" You ask again. "No more questions, (l/n)." He said, almost cutting your sentence short. "Now get to work."

You spend the day dodging hands, getting your shins kicked, and probably some fractured bones. But did Ghost care? Nope. He needed to get his missions done, and if you were his assistant he was going to make sure that you did your job correctly and knew how to defend yourself.

After hours you heard Ghost yell, "BREAK!" After shooting your last bullet. You dropped the gun and looked down at your blistered fingers, then over at Ghost.

"You hit the target 10 times instead of 5, congratulations, soldier, now you've just got to hit it 30 more times."Ghost said, rolling his eyes, you groaned. Ghost's eyes glared at you, the glare sent a chill down your spine, you knew you were in for a very hard week.

Hollow ||Simon Riley x Reader||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora