04 A Nightmare

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Weeks went by, every day was spent training but Saturdays were personal days for yourself, Soap didn't want you to overwork yourself so he decided to give you a break day against Ghost's protests.

When you weren't working or training your time was spent in the woods, your mind was focused on the outside world and how beautiful it is. The way the warm air of the night felt against you was amazing.

As you walked you heard the sound of something near you, a chirping sound. As you looked around you noticed a bird on the ground, and to your surprise it was hurt.

"Oh shit." You mumbled, going over and sitting by it. The bird was black and it's eyes were a dark color. The appearance made you smile. "You remind me of someone I work with." You said to it, thinking of Ghost.

You looked up, noticing a nest. Gently you picked it up and held it close to your chest, you began climbing the tree.

Once on the branch you put the bird gently onto its nest, you felt calm and at peace until a loud voice interrupted you.

"What in the bloody hell are you doing?!" Ghost yelled, you looked down, now noticing how high up you were. "It fell out of its nest!" You shouted back.

"What did?!" Ghost continued yelling.

"A bird!" You sat up, the branch was thick enough for you to sit on it properly but at this point you were so high up that even Ghost thought it was concerning.

"For crying out loud, woman! Get down!" He was angry and confused. You sighed, "fine!" You yelled as you tried to get down, eventually slipping against a branch and letting go.

"Jesus Christ!" Ghost yelled, he grabbed you and caught you mid air, gripping onto you for dear life. "Are you insane!?" He continues to yell, "no! I was helping it!" You angrily responded.

Ghost dropped you, as you hit the ground with a thud he stood over you, looking angry and upset. "You could've broken something if I wasn't here." He stared down at you with those same old cold and dead eyes.

"It's late, you need to get to bed, I don't want you to be a cranky bitch tomorrow." He continued, his voice back to its old monotone self. "Just screw off! I take enough disrespect around here and I won't take any more from you." You announce, getting up and dusted yourself off, then walking right past him, he watched in shock as you strutted away, almost appalled by your attitude towards him.

You could hear his quiet footsteps behind you, his eyes glued to the back of your head, he sounded almost like a snake in the grass, silent and ready to attack.

"Do you realize how late it is, why were you out here?" He asked. You were quiet for a bit, "it helps me sleep." You mumble, "lucky you." Ghost Sarcastically mutters.

There is a long moment of silence once again between you two until it is broken. "So, what's your real name?" You ask, he pauses before sighing, "you don't need to know." He grumbles.

For some reason you can't help but smile, you already knew the answer to that but yet you were still so interested in this man. Half way through walking you stop and hold your hand out towards him, hoping he would shake it "maybe we could be friends?" You said with a sheepish smile. He hesitantly looked at your hand for a moment before walking right past you.

"I don't do that, sorry." He grumbled again, now waking  even faster this time.


"She thinks you're a jerk." Soap says, drinking some water. "Good, that'll keep her away from me then." Ghost responded, Gaz was fast asleep on the couch area they had, he snored a bit but it didn't bother anyone, Gaz was also spread out on that couch so nobody could sit.

"Isn't that woman something." Alejandro said, referring to you. "I've known her for years, so don't go hitting on my friend," Soap began, "besides, she isn't looking to date right now." Soap yawned, he stretched and put away some gear. "I think it's time to hit the hay, amigos." Alejandro said, smiling to himself.

As Alejandro and Soap finished their conversation up Ghost stood up and left, he began walking to the room where he spends all his restless nights until he heard some noises.

They were grunts, painful grunts. He looked at your room and slowly opened your door, where he then saw your sleeping body, your head was sweaty and your muscles tensed up.

'A nightmare...' the attractive Brit thought, staring at you. He gently grabbed the blanket and tucked you in a bit, looking at your face, something about you made him soft, maybe it was your kindness towards him, or maybe it was the way you didn't treat him like a weapon.

He stood up and walked over to the door, gripping the knob. "LT...?" You gently say, he stops dead in his tracks, frozen. "Sir, what are you doing here?" You ask, shake up by that nightmare.

Ghost remained silent, his breathing barely being heard from the mask. "You were grunting." He managed to mutter. He opened the door and quickly left, apart of you was confused while the other part of you was flustered. This man just came into your room and tucked you in??

Where was this scary and demanding soldier everyone perceived him as???

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