10 Hate

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You began to feel better day by day whenever Simon came to see you. You two spent your time talking and planning your next mission.

Simon got more and more comfortable with you, eventually feeling comfortable enough to stay and watch you sleep. Simon never got any sleep. It was very concerning.

You always felt so close to him, no matter what happened during missions. If he came back angry you knew how to calm him down, he got harsh, and rude. No matter what you always were there for him if he needed you.

Today Simon came back, Soap was supporting him while bringing him into your room. "Simon? Oh my god what happened?!" You asked, Simon kept still, occasionally grunting in pain. "He got shot in the foot! It isn't bad, but he'll have to be in here with you for now until he can get back on his feet!" Soap shouted.

"Johnny leave me be! I'm not a damn baby!" Simon shrugged Soap off and limped over to a bed directly next to you, he instantly sat down and breathed heavily into his mask. You instantly went over and tried to make sure he was okay.

"I'm fine, get off and go lay down." He said, grunting in pain. Soap instantly left, you sat on your bed and watched Simon lay there in pain. "Simon....take your mask off." You state, he looks over at you, "I'm not doing that." He grunts. You begin to get frustrated. "Take it off...now." You state firmly.

The man's eyes widened and he did as you asked, you got up, limping over his bed you grabbed a cool cloth, and began to dab his face with it. His dark eyes stared at you hesitantly. "I'll be gentle." You say, feeling your cheeks heat up as Simon flinches.

You felt his hand grip onto your wrist. "Don't leave me here." He said, you nodded, washing off the blank paint from his face. "Time for me to take care of you." You chuckle. Simon just kept staring at you, taking in your beauty.

As you go to pat his forehead down again you feel his hand lift up again, only this time his hand rests on your cheek. "How much do you hate me." He said. "Excuse me?" You ask, your cheeks turning red. "How much do you hate me." He repeats. You stare at him, confused.

"Do you hate me so much that you would ruin our partnership?" He muttered, his accent was thick and heavy, you chuckled, "and how would you do that?" You questioned.

You feel his arm wrap around the back of your neck, very awkwardly. You began to realize what he was doing, you began to smile. You smiled more than you had this entire mission.

You felt your lips crash against his own, his free hand wrapped around your waist. Simon began to calm down, he didn't break away for a while.

Eventually you broke out of it. "Simon..." you muttered. He stared at you, taking in every detail of your face. "Say my name again, love." He muttered, this sudden confidence was confusing. His hands rested on your hips, he began to kiss you again.

"Wanna know what would make me feel better...?" He asked, you smiled a bit, "and what would that be, Lieutenant?" You giggled in response. "You...I need you." He said softly, your face turned beat red.

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