The World is a Small Place

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Avengers Compound...

Nat's POV:
I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm clock. I rolled over, which resulted in me tangling myself in the bed sheets, to turn off the irritating sound.

As I untangled myself from my sheets I sat up, with my legs dangling off the side of the bed. After sitting there for a few moments, I hoped out of bed and headed towards my shower so I could wash all of the drowsiness away.

I took a nice, long, scorching hot shower, which was needed after the long hours I have been working lately.

Once I'm finished, I turn off the water and wrap a fresh towel around my torso. I begin washing my face and doing my hair, and some light makeup. I then head to my closet to get some sweats. Since it is Sunday, I don't have to work today. I have decided to take the day to relax, and have some me time.

I head down stairs, with my hair still damp. As I enter the kitchen I see most of the Avengers eating breakfast and chatting. Wanda is by the stove making food for everyone, Tony and Bruce are huddled together at the other end of the table, probably talking some science nonsense. Clint has just returned from visiting his family, and is catching up with Sam, Thor is probably off planet, in Asgard, and Steve is nowhere to be seen.

I shrug it off as he is probably in a run or something.

I head over to Wanda to get some food.

"Morning Wanda," I greet.

"Good Morning," she responds, "how was your sleep Nat?"

"It was fine I guess," I answer her question, "what about you?"


"What are you cooking?" I asked.

"Eggs, bacon, waffles, as Sam requested, and there is some fruit on the table if you want," she tells me.

"Thanks, do you have any idea where Steve is?" I remembered I had to ask him about something training related.

"He left about an hour ago to get the new recruit, remember?" She informs me.

"Oh! Must have slipped my mind?" I now remember him mentioning something about a new recruit. "Any idea who it is?" I ask.

"James Buchanan Barnes!"

My James?!

"You ok Nat?" Wanda's question snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Ya...ya I'm ok, is he Steve's friend from the war?" I ask just to make sure.

"Do you even listen to Steve when he talks, he is always bringing the guys name up!" Wanda jokingly scolds me.

"Sorry! Was just making sure I was thinking of the right guy," I try to defend myself.

"Ya they should be back soon," Wanda says while flipping an egg.

"Where back!" I hear Steve's voice.

"Speak of the devil," I say under my breath, but loud enough for Wanda to hear. I hear her let out a small chuckle.

As I turn around I come face to face with the one person, who at one point was my whole world.

I met James back on the Red Room. At the time he was working as the Winter Solider for Hydra. We were both in the same boat, so when he was sent to train me, we.....kinda.....bonded? Anyways, that "bond" led to a friendship which lead to a romantic relationship, which lead to just being there to protect each other. We would sneak into each others quarters at night just so we could lay beside each other, and keep one another company. Once the Red Room found out about our relationship, they tore us apart, and punished us in separate ways.

As I stare at his figure all of my memories of us together come flooding back, all at once. Someone must have noticed the expression on my face because..."Nat? You ok? You look like you have just seen a ghost," Wanda whispers in my ear. Due to this sudden action I get a little startled. "I'm good," I assure her.

"Are you sure?" She asks once more.

"Ya...ya I'm fine."

"Whatever," she shrugs, probably confused by my sudden reaction.

While I was going through my head, Steve had been introducing everyone to James, and then he got to me.

"Bucky this is Natasha," Steve tells his friend.

"Nat, Bucky, Bucky, Nat,"

"Nice to meet you," he says.

He doesn't remember me...

"Nice to meet you too," I respond trying to not break down right then and there.

A while later I found myself in my room, my gaze lost in the distance, and deep in thought.

All of a sudden a knock tears me from my thoughts.

"Hello?" I question.

"'s Bucky....t-the new recruit?" I hear James stutter.

"Come on Bucky," I welcome.

As the door opens I see his figure enter my room. I pat the spot next to me on my bed, motioning for him to sit down.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I-um...." He took a deep breath. "I just wanted to tell you that I know you....from my past...a-and.....we-" I shut him up with a kiss, which he happily returns.

I pull away "sorry," I say quickly.

"Don't be sorry love," he says while lifting my chin up, so we are making eye contact.

We just gazed into each others eyes for awhile until he broke the silence.

"I missed you," he said in a calm tone.

I sank into him at that very moment. I rested my head on his chest and he brought my legs over his lap.

We sat there in silence for who knows how long.

At some point we ended up cuddle together in my bed, and fast asleep.

First one shot, hope you enjoy:)

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