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Five years, it's been five years since Thanos attacked Earth. Five years since they killed Thanos. And five years since Natasha lost the people most valuable to her. Natasha has been sitting in the compound for five years, managing everything. Steve pops in every now and then to check in on her, but other than that she is alone. Alone with her thoughts.

Steve comes around the corner, into the conference room, where Nat is sat with her peanut butter sandwich, crying.

They start catching up for a bit, when they hear someone out front of the compound on the security footage.

"Didn't he disappear?" Steve asked Nat, "Is that old footage?"

"That's live," she responded, just as creeped out.

She let him in, and Scott came in and explained everything to them. From being sent into the quantum realm, to getting stuck for five years, and then being accidentally let out.

"I'm sorry, that must have been a long five years," Nat sympathized.

"That's Just it," Scott started enthusiastically. "For me, it was only five hours." That left the two avengers stunned. "You see, quantum physics works differently, if we can enter at one point in time, and exit at another, we could go back in time and get all of the stones, and snap our own fingers.

"Like a Time Machine?" Steve asked.

"No, no no no.........yes, like a Time Machine," Scott replied, not being able to think of a cooler thing to call it.

"We would need a big brain," Steve pointed out.

"I know where we could get one of those," Nat said.

Tony Stark is walking inside with his four year old to get some lunch, when a black sports car pulls into his drive way. As he sees Nat, Steve, and Scott get out, he continues his way to his house, as they follow.

He ushers his daughter inside before turning to the three people standing behind him.

"What pleasure do I owe today?" He asks.

"We might have a way to get everyone back," Steve blurts out.

"Continue," Tony says while taking a seat.

They explain everything to Tony, before awaiting his reaction.

"I don't think it's worth the risk," this comment throws Nat through the roof.

"Look, many people lost loved ones, I'm not saying that I'm not happy for you, but there are too many people that are not happy at all," Scott said to Tony.

"Tony, we owe it to everyone to at least try," Nat pointed out.

"I can't risk this I'm sorry," Tony said not giving in.

"Tony, ugh," Nat said while recollecting her thoughts. "I lost my daughter," she paused, "wouldn't you do anything to get her back if you had lost yours?" She asked.

"Don't bring my daughter into this Natasha," he said angrily.

"Wouldn't you?" She asked again, not satisfied with his answer.

"First of all I wasn't aware of this daughter, and second of all, of course I would do anything for my daughter, but she is perfectly fine," he replied

"You don't care about anyone but yourself, do you?" She said angrily, trying to keep her cool.

"I care about many people, I just don't want to put what I have now at risk,"he said in Defense to the now extremely angered red head.

"Well I'm glad you got what makes you happy, but I lost almost everyone, my daughter, my sister, my parents, all gone," she yelled at him, before storming off to wait in the car.

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