Little Miss Trouble Maker

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Reese was always a sassy kid with one heck of an attitude, this kept Natasha and Bucky on their feet. She was normally well behaved, but definitely had some bad days. And today seems to be one of them.

Nobody knew what had upset her, but her four year old mind didn't know how to comprehend all of the emotions. Resulting in her throwing anything she could get her hands on at her mother.

Nat's POV:

I have no idea what is going on with my child. She is currently throwing anything she can find at me. All I did was tell her to get ready for her dance class, she usually loves dance class.

"Reese stop it!" I scold her, but that just pisses her off more, making her scream. Bucky is at the compound working, leaving me with no backup.

I walk over to Reese and grab her arms so she will stop throwing things.

"I don't know what has gotten into you young lady, but this is no way to react," I say sternly to my daughter, giving her my "don't mess with me" face.

Her reaction to that was to scream as loud as she possibly could, as if someone would come running to her rescue.

"Reese stop it!" I say a little louder than I intended.

I've never yelled at her before, I always try to get my point across in a calmer way, but she has pushed me past my limit.

I immediately regret yelling at her, as she starts to look scared, and tries to get out of the grip I have on her arms. My face instantly softens.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to yell," I try apologizing.

Too late.

She quickly gets herself ready for dance, and quietly walks down stairs. I follow behind.

"Do you need help detka?" I ask gently, watching her struggle to do up her coat. I have never felt this guilty in my life. She just shakes her head no.

After struggling a little while longer, she eventually gives up. Once her coat is done up we leave the house, and head to her dance class.

Once we get there, I get out of the car so I can go help Reese out. Once I get to her side, I see her struggling to undue her seat belt. She usually just waits for me to undue it for her.

"Here let me help lovey," I offer.

"No!" She says back rather aggressively.

She eventually gets frustrated and gives up, allowing me to help her.

I hold her little hand as we Walk across the street, but as soon as we get to the side walk, she lets go. We walk into her dance class, and she runs off to her friends, leaving me behind.

I sit outside the studio with the other moms, because the class is only thirty minutes. I just brought my computer so I could get some work done. That is what I usually do. I'd rather do that than talk to any of the other moms, if I'm being honest their all snobs, and have all been friends for years, so nothing they talk about ever makes sense.

Once Reese's class is over, she gets her stuff ready and comes over to me. I pack my stuff up and we head out after saying goodbye.

"Do you want to stop and get a milk shake?" I offer to my four year old. The mom guilt is really getting to me.

"No!" Resse says, in a aggressive tone.

"Are you sure?" I question, what kid wouldn't want a milk shake.

"No!" She responds the exact same.

"Ok, no milk shake than?" I ask just to confirm.

"Yes milk shake!" God this child is going to kill me.

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