What The Heck?

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Jack Stephen Barnes, and Reese Alianova Barnes, children of the two most famous assassins.

They live a pretty normal life, nice sized house in the middle of the suburbs, they go to school, play sports, and have friends. But they have little to no idea what their parents had to do to get them there.
Nat's POV:

My alarm goes of at 6:30am every morning, but I'm usually up before then. Growing up we were always up at the crack of dawn, I guess it's just a habit I can't break.

Having two teenagers to get up, ready, and to school on time is difficult, so the extra time helps.

Once seven rolls around, I am headed into my daughters room.

"Wake up Reese," I say gently, while rubbing her back.

"Mmmnmm," she groans out.

"You have got to get up my love," I tell her.

"Noooo ten more minutes please," she begs, not wanting to move.

"Nope!" I say a little sternly. "Up you get."

"Ugh," she complains as she rolls out of bed.

She looks so cute with her long messy red hair, and bright blue tired eyes.

I leave her to get ready and head over to my sons room.

"Wake up Jack," I tell him from the door way.

"It's too early mom," is about the response I get every morning.

"Well, you have school, so I suggest you get moving," I say before leaving him alone.

Once that is done and over with, I head down stairs to make some coffee, and get my stuff together. Missions have become very rare over the past years, with everyone having kids. But every now and then something will pop up, and today we have a meeting.

Once I get everyone to school I pick up James, and we head to the compound.

Reese POV:

"What do you think happens at those "secret" meetings our parents have?" My best friend Sarah Rogers asks.

I am currently on my way to class with Sarah, Morgan Stark, Madelyn Wilson, and Lila Barton.

"I don't know but my bet is some black market shit," Madelyn says.

"I don't think so, I doubt our parents would be the ones to participate in that," Morgan states.

"Ya I agree with Morgan," I pipe in. "They wouldn't do that."

"You know, it would be nice if they weren't so uptight about this, it's like they are trying to hide something from us?" Sarah says.

"They totally are hiding something from us," I say, "and we should totally try to find out what it is."

"I like your thinking Reese, but how the hell are we supposed to do that?" Madelyn questions.

I just shrug.

We eventually get to class, and sit through a very long and boring math lesson.

Once we get home from school, Jack runs off to his room, claiming he is doing his home work. While I decide to "confront" my mom.

"How was your day love?" She asks me. 

"It was fine, how was your meeting," I ask genuinely.

"It was fine," she tells me.

"What did you talk about?" I ask the bold question.

She gives me that glare "that is none of your business," she tells me.

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