Big Feelings

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Third person POV:

Bucky jolted awake from a nightmare. They seem to be getting less frequent, but when he has one it's bad.

He sits up in bed trying to catch his breath. His girlfriend, who was asleep beside him, woke up to her boyfriend hyperventilating. She quickly understood what was happening, since she had been, and still is in a similar position.

"Hey, your ok," she says in a soft tone, while grabbing his hand. This caused Bucky to look at her.

She put her hand on his cheek, which gave him a source of comfort. Still struggling to catch his breath, he leaned into her touch.

"Follow my breathing love," she instructed, and started taking deep breaths. It took him awhile, but he was able to manage shaky breaths.

He pulled her into his lap, so she was straddling him, and hugged her close. He wrapped one arm around her waist, while the other pulled her head into his chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"They took you from me," he said in between shaky breaths.

"I'm right here," she said, looking up at his watery blue eyes.

He stared into her emerald green eyes, finding some sort of comfort and safety in them.

"But it felt so real," he continued telling her about the nightmare.

"It's not. Your at the compound, safe, and I'm right beside you," she tried reassuring her soldier.

He buried his face into the crook of her neck, now with his arms around her waist.

She ran her fingers through his long hair, and used her other hand to rub his back.

She quietly started to sing a Russian lullaby, which never failed to calm him down.

Once she was finished, he picked his head up, looked her in the eyes, and kissed her. She kissed back, but then he pulled away.

"I love you so fucking much Natalia," he told the petit red head on his lap.

"I love you more James," she tried to one up him.

"Not possible," he told her while booping her nose.

"Stop," she said, making her don't mess with me face. But he always found it too cute, and could never keep a straight face while looking at her with that expression. Unlike the rest of the team who would run and hide for their lives if they ever saw that expression on her face.

"Your too cute," he teases.

"Your annoying," she states while shoving her face into his chest, and closing her eyes with a huff.

"You love that about me," he says confidently.

"Whatever let's you sleep at night," she joked back.

He just smiled, and hugged her tighter, before lying back and dozing of, with the love of his life, all cuddled up to him.

An: Sorry it's been awhile:|

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