My Beautiful Girls

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Back story:
Basically Nat and Bucky fell in love in the red room, had twin daughters. Nat was told that they were dead, and Bucky didn't know about them until they were sent to live with him in Hydra.

Bucky's POV:
Ever since I got out of Hydra, I have made it my personal mission to find my girls. There are no words to describe the amount of guilt I feel knowing that they are still stuck in that hell hole.

I haven't talked about them with Natalia yet, mainly because she hasn't come to me asking about them. It's almost like she doesn't even know they exists

They are the two most sweetest people in the world who have been turned into ruthless killers against their wills. Now they also have to live with the trauma that came with it.

At this point I don't know if I can do this on my own for much longer, I have had no leads, and I need help. Natalia would be the right person to go to first, but I don't even know if she remembers them.

I walk into the kitchen to see her on her laptop, while sitting at the counter.

"Natalia?" I question, trying not to startle her.

She already knew I was there of course.

I approach further.

"I need your help."

"What's up?"

"It's about the girls." I tell her.

"What girls?" She questions, looking at me so confused, almost as if I had just said something to her in a language she doesn't understand.

"Our girls?"
"Our daughters?"
"Your daughters?"

Something goes off in her head and the confused expression on her face turns to sadness, and hurt.

"Their dead James, I remember holding their dead new born bodies," she says, hurting so much on the inside.
"They were still born."

"What?" I question. "No their alive." I tell her, "and they are being held captive by Hydra." She looks at me with disbelief. "Please believe me, and help me find them," I plead.

"They are dead James, stop!" She says becoming overwhelmed by the situation.

I grab her hand to bring her focus to me while also rubbing the top of her hand with my thumb to calm her down.

"Trust me," I say in a lower tone.

She took a deep breath before responding.


Girls POV:

"Svetlana! Over hear, I found an empty cabin we can camp out in," Sashenka called to her little sister.

Even though the girls were only 4 minutes apart, Sashenka took the big sister role very seriously.

The two 14 year olds settled into the cabin, found some granola bars that hadn't expired, and called it a night.

"Do you think dad will ever come for us Sash? I mean it's been two years," Svetlana asked her sister before dozing off.

"I don't know Svet, I sure do hope so," she said before closing her eyes.

Nat's POV:

"Found them!" I screamed to James, even though he was less than two feet away from me. That made him jump a little.

"Their hiding in a cabin just outside of Moscow," I told him.

"Well what are we waiting for," he said while walking out.

We got on a quintjet and set off for Russia. It's been awhile since I have visited home.

Third person POV:

They landed the quint jet in Moscow, about two kilometres from where they thought the girls were.

They geared up, and then set out on a nice two kilometer hike, to try and find their daughters.

Girls POV:
"Do you hear that?" Svet awoke from her slumber to what sounded like people outside of the cabin.

"It's nothing," Sash lied to try and calm her sister down. She too was panicking. That could be anyone. The strangers that probably live here, other strangers just walking by, worst of all Hydra agents, or.....maybe there father.

"I'm scared Sash," Svet admitted, which she rarely does.

"Come here," her sister said, while patting a spot beside her on her bed.

Svet quickly shuffled to her sisters bed, and the girls cuddled close awaiting their fate.

They started to hear, whoever was out side, pick the lock. This caused the girls to become more worried, but neither one of them dared to move or make a sound. If the danger came to them, they could easily fight it off, but they didn't dare go near the danger.

They heard the front door screech open.

"Girls?" They heard and all to familiar voice call out.

But someone else was with him, so they stayed still.

"Svetchka? Sashka?" Their fathers voice called out again. "It's safe. I promise," he assured them.

This gave them a little more confidence.

They got up and headed out of the bedroom, and were greeted with the sight of their father. What they didn't expect was a women, who looked a little too much like their supposedly dead mother, to be standing right next to him.

They both ran to embrace their dad.

Nat's POV:

Watching the girls barley recognize me definitely hurt. But then again how could they, they have never actually met me. Which makes me hurt more.

"Svet, Sash, this is your mom," James introduced me.

It surprised me, but both girls embraced me in a hug as well.

I finally felt the hole in my heart repair itself fully. I had James back, and now my daughters, what more could I ask for.

After collecting what we came for, we headed back to the quint jet and headed back to the compound.

And the family lived happily ever after.

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