My Miracle

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Takes place in Wakanda...

Nat's POV:

For the third morning in a row, I am in the bathroom with my head over the toilet, puking up all my insides.

My boyfriend, James, has been on a mission for the past week, therefore has not been there to witness my guts coming out of my body.

Ever since we came to Wakanda, Okoye and Shuri have been very welcoming dependant friends, and keep telling me I need to take a pregnancy test. It doesn't matter how many times I tell them I'm sterile, they won't drop it.

As I'm flushing the toilet and cleaning my mouth, Shuri comes into the bathroom with a pregnancy test.

"Please take it," she pleads. "Even if it's not positive, it will still get us one step closer to figuring out what's wrong with you," She tells me.

"I'm not taking it," I tell her, trying not to cry. Ever since the Red Room sterilized me, my dreams of having a little mini me were crushed. Taking a pregnancy test, and seeing that it's negative will only make it worse, mentally for me. I get so jealous when people announce their pregnancy's, or bring their new born baby's over. I know I should just accept it but I can't, and taking a test will only make it harder.

"Natasha please, I know this is a sensitive topic for you, but you have literally all the symptoms of a pregnancy. Honestly at this point you might as well be pregnant," she says, starting to get frustrated with my stubbornness.

"No, I can't," I tell her, as tears start to fill my eyes. I'm never this emotional.

"See Nat your all emotional, your definitely pregnant, so just take the damn test and get it over with," she spits out while starting to unbox the test, and give it to me.

"Fine, just so you will leave me alone," I state loud and clear.

"Thank the lord," Shuri says under her breath.

After taking the test, I flip it over and leave it on the counter before walking out of the bathroom. Shuri is sitting on my messy, unmade bed, waiting for me.

"So?" She asks.

"We have to wait two minutes," I say.

"Oh....this will be the longest two minutes," she states the obvious.

"Tell me about it."

After two minutes is up, I go and get the test, bring it back out and sit down before flipping it over.

"Flip it over already!" Shuri instructs rather harshly.

"Ok ok, jeez," I joke.

I flip it over and its
Positive. Two red lines. Bright as day.

I put my hand over my mouth in shock and disbelief, as I let a tear run down my cheek.

Shuri puts her hand on my shoulder, causing me to look up.

"Congrats!" She says. "And might I say, I told you so," we both let out a laugh at that comment.

She pulls me into a hug before getting up and leaving me alone.

I have so many emotions running through me right now. I have never felt so excited and scared at the same time before. I'm scared that I won't be a good mom, or I'll end up loosing the baby anyways. But I am also so excited to finally have something the Red Room thought they took from me.

I sit there sulking for a little while longer.

Eventually James walks in and sees me crying.

"What's wrong love?" He asks.

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