My Love and Saviour

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The sun peeks through the window, waking the Soldier from his sleep. Bucky looks down at the smaller figure in his arms. He kisses the top of her head, waking her up because they have a meeting.

"Go back to sleep," the sleepy red head instructs her boyfriend.

"Hate to break it to you, but we have a meeting in ten minutes," he tells her.

"Ugh....that's stupid," Natasha complains.

"It's our job," he reminds her.

The meeting has just begun, and Natasha is already dozing off on Bucky's shoulder.
Bucky pokes her arm which wakes her up again.

"Am I boring you to sleep Romanoff?" Furry asks her.

"Slightly," she says under her breath, but still loud enough for him to hear.

Furry ignores her and moves on.

"Anyways, I need you guys to break into the Hydra base, and get this information for me." Furry explains. "I will leave the planning up to Captain Rogers," he says as he exits the room.

"Alright team!" Steve starts out enthusiastically. "There are two entrances to the base, and both are probably heavily guarded. Wanda, Sam, Clint, and Nat, you will enter on the left side of the building. Tony, Bucky and I will take the other side. And Bruce, you will stay in the quintjet as back up in case all else fails." Steve explains the plan to the team.

"We will meet on the quintjet in an hour," Steve instructs before everyone leaves.

Once Nat and Bucky got back to their room, they got changed into their suits and each packed the bare essentials in small duffel bags.

An hour later everyone met at the quint jet, they all boarded and set off. The flight was going to be about an hour, so Natasha decided to catch up on some sleep. She sat right next to Bucky so she could use his shoulder as her pillow.

Once they landed Bucky woke up Nat and then the team got all geared up and ready to complete the mission.

Everything was going well. Natasha was in the data base room collecting the information Furry needed when all of a sudden a loud ticking went off. She instantly knew it was a bomb and informed the team through her comms.

"There's a bomb everyone needs to get out and as far away from the building as possible. I'll get the information," she instructed everyone.

"Natalia just leave it, your more important than a hard drive," Bucky told her through his comms.

"I'll be fine," she insisted "don't worry about me."

"He's right Nat you need to get out!" Steve said, backing up his best friend as they ran out.

"I'm almost done, I'll be out in a sec," she assured the super soldiers.

You don't have a sec Natalia," James barked back at her, annoyed with how stubborn she is being.

"Got it and am on my way out. Happy!?" She informed in an agitated tone.

"Yes!" Both soldiers responded at the same time.

But before she could reach the door the bomb went off. The impact caused her tiny form to shoot across the room. The walls of the building came crumbling down leaving most of her body covered in the debris.

"Nat!" Steve tried screaming her name through the comm.

No response.

Everyone else had made it back to the quint jet in time.

"Ok me and Buck will go look for her, everyone else stay here and inform us if she comes back," the captain instructed.

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