
398 32 5

21st December 2022

Dear Chainsaw,

First of all, sorry to keep you waiting. I got occupied with a few things and I wanted to be in my best state of mind before replying to you. Am I ever in my best state of mind though? A funny thought!

On a serious note: it has been a rather weird week with final submissions and other things approaching. Things have gotten hectic and something has started to feel different. Even after a day long break, I feel just as drained. As I am writing this letter, I have my battery stuck at 29%. Barely enough to function. So forgive me if this might not be my most pleasing letter so far.

This time, let's answer your questions first.

1. Favourite cuisine, dish, beverage and why?

My favourite cuisine is definitely Thai. I am a picky eater. I won't easily try new cuisines or dishes unless I have a person who I could use as a backup, you know? Like if I didn't like something, they could finish it off for me cause it physically pains me to see edible things go in the gutter just because some picky eater couldn't finish it.

Favourite dishes: Som Tam and Pad ka Prao. But not everybody makes it the way I like it. The perfect amount of spice, not overcooked or undercooked, no peanuts or cashew in anything at all, the taste of lime should barely be there but nonetheless, should be there.

Something tells me that if I continued listing any further, you might start rolling your eyes and shaking your head. so I'll stop here.

Although there's one thing I am not picky about. Desserts. They are flawless. Especially, anything chocolate. Just talking about desserts is bringing me so much joy. I am craving something sweet now.

If you find muffin crumbs on this letter, it's because I am eating one right now. Don't mind it.

Favourite beverage(s): Lemon Ice tea, Ice Caramel Frappé, Smoothies? Mostly anything Icy and Sweet. As I said, I got a sweet tooth and the heat of Thailand doesn't really help my case. In the summer, nothing tastes better than crushed ice with chocolate or maple syrup on it. Tell me you have tried that at least once or else I'd be a teensy bit disappointed.

2. How was your day?

You know the electrocardiogram, which shows the activity of the heart? So if days had graphs like that, mine would result in an Asystole. In Math, you can imagine it as a straight line parallel to the x-axis.

In simple layman's terms, you can call it uneventful.

But uneventful days are necessary too, you know? Uneventful days are like safe zones. They don't give surprises. Good or bad. But this was today.

If we talk about Yesterday? Not so much.

When I read your letter...if I could still speak in medical terms, I'd call it Angina.

In simple layman's terms, you can call it Heartache. Not something people usually desire for.

But in my case, I have mixed feelings about it.

All those stories! It made me smile wide till my jaw hurt. It made me laugh out loud. You said you don't mind me laughing, didn't you? Your stories tell me that you are really one of a kind, Chainsaw! I can imagine how entertaining it was to be your friend.

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