Writer |chapter 2|

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I looked over to the boy in the beanie. I could tell he could sense me staring at him out of the corner of his eye. I just looked forward and smiled while I drank my second milkshake. As I started to mind my own business again, the boy started to talk. "You know we don't have to keep playing this silent game," he said, directing his statement at me. I was surprised that he could even talk. I looked over at him. He stopped typing and was looked over also. "I didn't know I was playing," I responded. He chuckled and looked back to his computer.

"I don't know why you would want to move to Riverdale at a time like this," he told me. I chuckled as well. "That's exactly why I moved here," I replied. He looked over in pure shock. "Why would you move to a town for a dead kid?" He asked. I signaled over to my dad who was in a deep conversation with Cynthia. "My dad is the new FBI agent on the case. It was also a good reason to move from my mom," I explained, trying not to reveal anything so detailed to a boy I just met. "That's understandable," he commented. I moved over a seat closer to the boy so we could talk more. "So that over there isn't your mom?" He asked. I just shook my head. "My dads new wife," I explained. He nodded his head and went back to what he was doing. "What are you writing?" I asked.

"Everything that's happened since July fourth," he explained. "Oh yeah with the kid..." I began. I tried to remember the kids name. It was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't remember. "Jason. Jason Blossom," he said. I nodded. I moved the computer to face towards me. "Can I reward it?" I asked. He pulled the computer back towards him. "You can after I finish the first chapter. Then maybe you can," he said. "Come on kiddo. Let's go," my fathers voice called out. I stood up and started to walk out of the dinner. Before I walked out of the door the boy called out. "So what's your name loner?" He yelled. "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours writer," I called back. "Jughead. Jughead Jones." "Kathrine Evans." And with that I walked out the door of Pops chocolate shop back into the black camaro. As we drove away I saw the boy throw the dinner windows staring back at me. Jughead Jones. The first person I met in this small town.

As the car pulled into the driveway, from what I was guessing was my new house I could really see it wasn't all that special like my father hyped it up to be. It was a two story, Victorian style house. The colors were every mute. Ranging from white to different shades of gray. The location of the house was also odd. It wasn't in the rich neighborhood where we drove into town. But it wants a beat down house like the ones we saw driving to the house. It was about in between. I got out of the car and grabbed my duffel bag from next to me and approached the house for a closer look. It seemed like most of the paint was getting chipped off. I mean I couldn't complain. I knew we couldn't afford anything extravagant anyways. As my dad opened the door. He led me up stairs, to find four bedrooms. My father informed me that he and Chynthia came up here a few weeks ago to set up the house for my arrival. He gestured to one of the doors and opened for me. I could see that my bed, vanity mirror, and my dresser were already set up. I knew that the vanity and the dresser already had most of my stuff because I sent most of it to my dad to bring.

I set down my bag near the bed and looked at my dad. "You don't have to treat me like I'm going to break, okay? I hope you know that," I reassured him. "I know everything you've been through this month," he said. I stopped him right there. It was true I was not over what happened but I wasn't willing to talk about it either. "Please dad. He has been here a whole 24 hours. Let me get settled in please," I told him. He nodded his head and started to walk away. I sat on the bed thoroughly looking at the room. It was a lot smaller than my previous room. But when I really thought about it, I didn't need a lot of things anyways. I had school and the only other thing I liked to do after school was draw or photography. I got up and opened the two sliding doors of my room. I didn't think it would lead anywhere. But it turns out that it was a closet and Cynthia put all my dresses in it. I didn't have many so it still looked so bare.

When I walked over to the vanity, opened all the drawers and noticed I had a lot more makeup products that I remember owning. Then I found a note on one of the new eye shadow palettes. 'Hope you enjoy some of the new makeup I got you. :) -C.E'. It really warmed my heart that Cynthia was doing small acts to earn my love. I left a buzz coming from my pocket so I took my phone out. I saw the notification that it was from my mom. Instead of looking at the text, I turned off my phone and set it aside. Before I turned it off it was looking pretty late.

So I decided to change into a sports bra and some shorts. I sat up in bed and scrolled through my phone for a while. Most of it was updates on what was going on in Riverdale. I wanted to keep up on all the drama before I had to go to school I next few days. And if that Jones kid wanted me to help him with anything for his novel then I would be happy to help. I mean it's not like I'd had anything else better to do after school. I mean I am considering joining the cheerleading quad but I don't know how much of a bitch they really are. I heard that some of them were nice but the cheerleading captain seemed like a real asshole from what I've heard. Someone with a real fired up personality. By scrolling through one of the football team players, I could tell they were really too much.

The only players who really caught my attention was a redhead, a very buff jock and one that looks like a player. When I found the players page, I found out his name was Chuck Clayton. He was the son of the football coach. When I saw it late, I put my phone away and headed to bed.

Loner and a Writer |Jughead Jones|Where stories live. Discover now