Blood Fight |chapter 10|

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Next morning stared out slow and early. I desided to wear a black tank crop top and green leaf shorts. I put my hair up into a bun and put on some light makeup. When I headed downstairs, I saw my dad in the kitchen with a huge cup of coffee paired with even larger bags under his eyes. "Hey dad, are you okay?" I asked, taking a bag of pop tarts from the cabnit. "I thought this was going to be easy but now... the kid was shot," he said. I nearly dropped my food. "Wait so what everyone's been saying is true, Jason was shot?" I panicked. He nodded. "I don't want you out supper late util this killer is caught," he explained. I nodded and headed out the door.

When I reached school, I found Betty and Kevin walking in the hall way, so I decided to join them. Hey guys what ya talking about?" I asked. "Archie," Betty replied. "Now that romance is off the tab,w, I'll just say it. Are we 100% sure that Archie's straight? Because no straight man has that body," Kevin said. "Keller were pretty sure he's straight," I told him. "Speaking of bodies..." Betty tried to say. "Have you recovered from finding Jason's?" I finished. "It was more traumatizing having to explain to my dad what I was doing with Moosw at the river. Yet another perks of being the sheriff's son," Kevin explained. I nodded in agreement.

When we got to the office, there was a beautiful bokay of yellow flowers in the office. "Oh my god those are gorgeous. Are those for Betty Mrs. Philips?" Kevin asked. "That's why I called her," the lady said. "'Dear Betty please forgive me XOXO -V'. Who the hell is V?" Kevin said, reading off a note card. "Veronica," Betty and Veronica said at the same time. I looked over to Veronica who has holding a small box in her hands.

"The Lodge has some nerve," I told Kevin. Instead of paying attention to Veronica and her apology speech, from the window I saw Chuck walking by with his goonies. When we made eye contact it seemed like everything went in slow motion. When I looked at Chuck he was doing a gesture with his hands. The sign that said a we did it. I stood there a bit shocked and kind of scared. Did it mean he'll do it? Or that he told people we did it? Somehow I found that the second option would be worse.

I focused back onto the conversation at hand and put my own feelings aside. "... I am so, so sorry Betty. I don't know what happens to me that night. It was such a basic bitch move. It was like I was possessed by..." Veronica tried to find the right word. "MAddams satan," Kevin and I said. "The old Veronica," she corrected. "And I will never do anything like that to you again. I swear on my mothers pearls. Just can you give me one more chance?"

"Okay," Betty replied. "What!?" All three of us said. I looked at Kevin and he looked just as shocked. "Really? Awesome. I'll take it and you won't regret it. I'll bring these to lunch so we can celebrate!" Veronica said, gittering with joy. We both looked at Betty shocked. "It's the path of least resistance guys. A week ago Veronica and I went friends. Next week we'll nod to eachother as we pass in the halls but that it. You know in two weeks she won't even remember my name. And in three she'll have latches on to some other girl to destroy," Betty explained. But I wasn't every happy about the answer.

Luch approached and I went over to a table where I saw Archie. "Andrews I see you brought your gitaur," I said, sitting down next to him. "Yeah I guess I did," he said. I looked up to see the three teens walking over. "...stay in the darn closet," Kevin said, realizing what he said. I looked wide eyed at him. "Obviously I didn't mean literal closet." "Archie! Any new material you wanna try out on a very forgiving audienc?" Veronica said, gestureinf over to Betty. "Please?"

"Would you? I'd loved to hear it," Betty said, sitting on the opposite of Archie. "I'm still working on the lyrics," he reminded us. As he sang. I watched Betty as her eyes started to fill with tears. Right when a sniffle came from her, Archie stopped. "Betty you okay?" Archie asked. For a second I considered slapping him because of how stupid he was. Of course she isn't okay. She's almost crying. "I'm supposed to say yes. That's what all the nice girls always says but... No I'm not," Betty cried, getting up from her seat. "I want to be. I thought I could be. But it's too much too fast." With that Betty walked of. "Betty," I called out. Archie was already going after her so I don't think she needs more stress.

I was sick nod the whole insulation and left. As I walked the hall, I saw the one person I didn't want to see in that moment. I tried to ignore him. But in Chuck Clayton fashion, he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a empty room. "What the hell Clayton!" I tried to scream. Chuck placed his hand over my mouth and started to kiss me all down my neck. I tried to kick I'm off but he just kept in pinning me against the wall. I couldn't scream. I couldn't talk. I just had to stand there and take it while I cried. But hope flashed into my eyes when I heard the door to the call open.

"Hello Mr. Woodson I-" the familiar voice stopped. The next few seconds were a blur. But when I realized what had happened. I saw Jughead on top of Chuck beating the living crap out of him. I started to hear footsteps coming from the hall. "Jones we have to go!" I panicked. He quickly jumped off of him as we ran  through the hallway to the nearest empty room. As the door closed, I started to process everything that happened.

"Evans are you alright!?" Jughead said, approaching me. Before he could embrace me in a hug, he was a bit hesitant, making sure wouldn't freak out. I could feel tears in my eyes. "I don't know. It just happens so fast," I said. Jughead brought me into a hug of comfort, not caring that my mascara was on his jacket.

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