Vixen Try Outs |chapter 8|

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Jughead and I sat on the back of the bleachers watching a girl named Cheryl give a speech about Jason. I didn't really pay any attention to the speech put to Jughead who was writing more on his computer. "Writing more Jones?" I teased. "No this is my plan," he explained. "What plan." I asked. "I want to get more detail for my story. Do a little investigating of my own. Want to help?" He asked. I smiled at his gesture. Anything to disobey my dad. I'm in," I told him. I started to pay more attention to the speech.

"...Which is why I've asked the School Board not to cancel the Back-to-School semi formal. But rather to let us use it as a way to heal collectively and celebrate my brothers too, too short life on this mortal coil. Thank you all," Cheryl said. Everyone started clapping at the 'amazing' speech she gave. I looked over at Jughead who wanted to clap at the speech. "Don't like the Blossom's?" I asked, nudging him a bit. "Of course not. They're the richest people in town," he said, trying not to act smug. "Well most rich people are stuck up popular kids," I reminded him. He nodded and went back to writing.

"So Jones. What are you doing at lunch?" I asked to get up from my seat along with everyone else. "Talking to Mr. Weatherbee. He thinks I have something to do with Jason," he said, approaching me. "Maybe we can meet up after lunch." I smiled at his gesture. "I have to try out for cheer but definitely before then," I told him. "Hey Evans," he said, with a wide smile. "Want to do some investigating at the Back-to-School semi formal with me?" I took this as his way of asking me to the dance. "Yea, meet me at Pops at 5," I said, with a wider smile than he had. "Alright then," he said, as we parted ways.

I headed to the outside lunch area where I found Betty, Kevin, and the red-headed guy from earlier gathered around a table. As I sat down all three of them greeted me. "Oh Kathrine, this is Archie Anderws," Betty introduced us.

"So Andrews what do you here in this small town of Riverdale?" I asked. "Well I do football, construction with my dad and a little bit of music on the side," he said, mumbling at the end. "Wow. Do you have any pieces?" I asked, wanting to hear them desperately. "Yeah sure," he said, pulling out his lap top.

He started to play a beautiful melody on his computer. It was so enchanting it seemed like what he was singing about was real. Then someone interrupted. "Can I join?" Veronica asked. "Yeah," Betty sighed, sad that the song had to stop. "What are we doing?" Veronica asks the group, sitting down on the other side of Kevin. Thank god I was on the other side of him. "Listening to one of Archie's songs," Betty said. "I thought we were going to have to pretend to like it, but it's actually really good," Kevin commented. I laughed at his remark. "Anything to get a word in Keller," I nudged him. "Wait, that was you singing?" Veronica asked.

"Something you wrote?" "It's rough," Archie replied. "No, it's great," Betty reassured him. "Yeah Andrews I agree with Cooper on this one," I said, backing up Betty's comment. "It's incredible, actually, the little snippet I heard," Veronica interjected. "Is that you thing? Music? Are you doing something with that?" "Yeah, that's the plan," he replied. "So how's your first day going Veronica? Good?" "Not to be a complete narcissist, but I thought people would be more..." Veronica paused trying to look for the right word.

"Obsessed with you?" Kevin finished. "Any other year you and Kathrine be trending number one for sure. This year, though, it's all about Cheryl trying to win the Best Supporting Psych Oscar for her role as Riverdale High's bereaved Red Widow." "So how's your first day Kathrine?" Archie asked me. "Not bad. I don't like being in the spotlight anyways," I explained. "Hey, I should go. I got that meeting with Grundy and then football, tryouts, so," Archie said, getting up from his seat. "Yeah me too. I have to get ready for my tryouts too," I said, also  standing.

Later that day I got ready for cheerleading tryouts. Betty and Veronica offered to put me in their routine but I had my plan in place that only required me, myself, and I. After I was done trying out, I sat in front of the panel of cheerleaders. I knew my routine was flawless. I did multiple cheers, kart wheels, round offs, and flips. The people I saw before me in line weren't bad but they weren't performances that would've stood out in my opinion.

"Well Kathrine your routine was very impressive," Cheryl said, writing something down on a paper. "I can definitely see you as a utility on our squad. Welcome to the River Vixens." I thanked Cheryl and panned for their time and walked off to the side to wait for Betty and Veronica who were in line behind me. After I watched the simple but cute performance and the staged take down after. Cheryl let both Betty and Veronica join the team. As we headed into the locker room, get got a locker and a cheer uniform.

It was cute and simple at the same time. Nothing that stood out too much. When school was over, I walked to Cynthia's clothes shop. "Hey Cynthia," I said, setting my bag down. "Hello Katherine, I see you made it on the cheer team," she smiled. "Yeah I did," I replied, walking over to her. "But that's not all you're thinking about," she commented. "We'll kind of," I said, not trying to reveal all the truth. "You know that short dress I bought from you right?" She nodded knowing what exact dress I was referring to.

"Do you think that is good for my school's Back-to-School semi formal?" She chuckled at my comment. "Of course it is. Why are you afraid your date won't like it?" She smiled. I flustered at bit at her comment. "I'll see you at home," I told her, getting my bag and walking out the door. My date. Why would Jughead Jones be my date? It's just for information, right?

Loner and a Writer |Jughead Jones|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt