Dirty Secret |chapter 24|

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For a moment we stayed there in the perfect silence that had fallen upon us. Before either of us could say any other words, my Iphone started to ring. I picked up the phone, still laying on the bed with Jughead. "Kathrine," I said, waiting for the person to respond. "Kathrine is Jughead with you?" Betty said, starting to rush over her words. Her worried tone immediately caught my attention as I sprung up.

"Yea Jones is with me. Cooper is everything alright?" I asked, getting worried. Jughead immediately sprung up next to me. He started to look a bit panicked when he saw my expression. "Polly talked about a car that Jason and her were going to use to run away together," she said, trying to get her point across.

"Yea, what about it?" I asked her. "It was behind a maple tree sign outside of town. Bring your camera and Jughead. We're going to investigate," she explained. I looked over at Jughead who was waiting for a response. "Yea okay I'll bring Jones and my camera," I replied. With that Betty had hung up the phone.

"Evans is everything alright?" Jughead asked. I quickly got up and grabbed my camera from my desk and hoodie. I walked over to the window an proceeded to open it. "Evans!?" I walked over to Jughead and grabbed his hand. I to go out the window ans that I would meet him outside. After I knew he got out safely, k headed out the front door.

As we walked to Betty's house, I explained everything that Betty had to me and what we were doing. We waiting until late, when most of the town should be at the variety show to find the car. It was late, cold, pouring. Anytime we would take more than ten steps, a cold shiver went down my spine. I couldn't tell if it was from the cold or it Was my intuition that something was going to happen.

When we reached the car, Betty had opened the truck as we looked inside. "What are those?" She asked, looking at all the contraband in the car. Jughead had picked up a mysterious item covered in saran wrap, while I picked up a high school jacket with Jason's name on it. "Drugs guys," Jughead said, examining the drugs. "What Jones put it down! This is evidence," I said, putting down the jacket.

"This is all evidence," Betty repeated in a more freaked out tone. "Holly shit! This was the drug run he was making to Greendale," I said, realizing that was what the post-it was for. "Crap this whole car is a crime scene," Jughead said, throwing the drugs back into the car. I pulled out my camera to take pictures of the car. "Okay we need to get Sheriff Keller and then we need to get Polly," Betty said, giving us another part of the plan.

As we headed to the high school, I started to call Sheriff Keller and told him to meet us in a hallway of the school. We started to run and met Mr. Keller half way. "Sheriff Keller!" I yelled, pulling out my camera. "Kathrine I got your call, what is it?" He said, started to get concerned. "Look it's Blossoms jacket," I said, showing him a picture of Jason's jacket.

"Where did you get that?" He asked, examining the photo. "In the trunk of a car with a bunch of other stuff. Jason was running away with Polly," Betty explained. "Where's the car?" He asked. We told him where the car was so we could go see Polly. After we got off the bus still soaking wet, we rushed into The Sisters of Quiet Mercy to find Polly. We ran to her room to get her out.

When we bragged into her room, the window was broken with blood all over the edges. Polly Cooper had escaped from the Sisters and had run away. And that people would start to think that she was the one who killed Jason, or worse. Sadly we couldn't look through the room because men in white uniforms were bragging us out. "Hey! Let go of me you bitch!" I yelled trying to get out of the grip of the man.

He was holding me by both of my arms and refused me to go anywhere he didn't drag me. "Hey! Let her go, you asshole!" Jughead yelled, trying to get out of the grip of the man that was holding him. When we got out of the building, I could feel my upper muscles sore from the man dragging me. "Hey are you alright?" Jughead said, holding my hand.

I rolled up my sleeves to show the red marks of the guards hands that would eventually turn into bruises. "I'll live," I said, looking from my arm back to him. He squeezed my hand even tighter and lead me to the bus stop. "Come on. Let's get you home," he said, making sure I wouldn't leave a sight.

It look awhile before another bus showed up to the stop but when it did, we got to the bus and headed home without another thought. When we returned home, I stood outside my front door, waiting for something, anything to happen. "Evans what is it?" Jughead asked, holding my hand close. "To be honest. I have no idea," I replied blankly. "You don't have to go," Jughead reminded me. "You can always stay at my place."

I turned my head so quickly it felt like it was going to snap. "No no I'm fine," I quickly said. "It's nothing." He gave me a small kiss on the lips before heading home. I opened the door to head inside to see my dad cleaning one of his hand guns. "Dad?" I asked, stopped in the middle of the hallway. "Yes sweetie?" He said, looking up at me. "The gang that you were with mom in, did you ever sell drugs?" He slightly laughed at my sudden question.

"Sweetie, why would you ask that?" He asked, standing up. "I don't know, I guess the thought just crossed my mind," I said, heading up the stairs. My father was just trying to call back but I couldn't care to listen. I just walked to my room and closed the door. Could my dad and my mother be teen drug dealers?

Loner and a Writer |Jughead Jones|Where stories live. Discover now