Blossom and Cooper |chapter 25|

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I couldn't sleep, the losing and the turning of so many questions. What does the gang do? Do I have to be a part of it? Do they do things that are illegal? How dangerous is it? I jolted out of bed. I couldn't try to sleep anymore. I had to do something. I jumped out of bed and started to rummage through my closet. Finally I found the one thing I knew would get my mind off of things. I took it and headed outside where all of the targets were set up.

I started to load my crossbow to aim it at a target. In the cold in my pajamas, stood me with a crossbow, aimed at a hay target. I let the arrow go and hit the center of the target with perfect precision. I loaded another arrow with a silver head and blue back feathers. My signature arrow. I released another arrow right next to the first one. Perfect aim every time. Nothing could make me happier.

I went to school and met everyone at the student lounge. I sat right between Betty and Jughead, still a bit shaken up from what had happened yesterday. "My mom and dad don't want to get the police involved. They don't want anyone to know that she ran away, or about her 'shameful condition'," Betty explained, telling us what her parents said after she got home from our search. "Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief. "Please. What decade is this?" Veronica added.

"Also, since she knew where Jason's getaway car was, they're afraid people might think that she burned it and that I'd she did..." Betty started to get a bit panicked. "She could be the murder trying to cover her tracks," Jughead explained. "Who burned the car, then?" Archie asked. "Sheriff Keller and Mr. Evns says it's possible someone was following us," Betty replied. "Oh my god, is that possible?" I asked, looking at Betty. "Honestly guys we should just move," Veronica commented, trying to make the situation better.

Betty started to sigh, getting a bit frustrated at the situation before us. "Guys what if Polly's really hurt? What if whoever killed Jason is coming after her next?" Betty rambled. I put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her as she looked at me with her pleading eyes. I could feel Jughead's hand intertwined with my other and giving a light squeeze. "Betty even though your parents don't want to, maybe you should go to the police," Archie said.

"Second it," Kevin added. "We can talk to our dads together about how he has to be discreet." Kevin and I both locked eyes but I didn't have the same hopefully intentions he did. "No offense Kev, Evans but your guys dad answers to a higher authority than God: the Blossoms," Jughead reminded us. "They're the first people that he would tell."

"And if there's anyone to keep this a secret from it's the Blossoms," Betty said. "They'd twist it around and go after Polly out of spite." "How can we help? Tell us B and we'll do it," Veronica said, being very supportive. "Guys I don't know yet but I'll let you guys know when I do," she said. Right when we realized we had to get to class, Betty and Veronica went their separate way, while Jughead and Archie went another. Which led me and Kevin walking the halls.

"So I don't know if I was the only one noticing," he started. "Noticing what?" I asked. "Jughead Jones was holding your hand. And not in the supportive 'friend' kind of way." I stood there speechless. I didn't even know Kevin was even that observant. "Keller, if I tell you something you do not tell a single soul. Or you'll end up like the Blossom boy," I threatened. We stopped in the middle of the crowded hallway.

"Jones and I... had a moment but I don't think it means anything," I said, rambling my last few words. "A moment," he repeated. "Like a kiss kind of moment?" Before I could say anything else, Kevin's phone went off from a post from Cheryl. "The Blossoms are going after Polly," he said. I started to panic at his comment. "You'll go find Lodge and Cooper, I'll get Jones and Andrews," I told him. We both ran through the halls to find out to tell them the news.

When I found the boys and told them what Cheryl had posted, Betty called me to tell me the plan. For anyone who could, we would skip school and look for Polly in the woods before the Blossoms do. The plan was last minute and insane but everyone who we asked was on bored with the idea. We called all the Vixens and the Bulldogs. Here we all stood in the creepy woods.

"Okay the Sisters of Quiet Mercy are due north," I said, standing next to Jughead. "The getaway car was west on the Old Route 40," Betty informed everyone. "The closest bus station is east headed towards Sweetwater. If Polly wanted to leave Riverdale without anyone seeing her she probably would leave through-" Jughead said, getting cut off. "Right here. Evergreen Forest," Betty said. The three of us started to lead the group through the forest.

We all started to call out her name, everyone was looking for her, even Alice. Everyone was worried sick. For all we knew, Polly could have been her for worse. Dead. I walked hand in hand with Jughead. No one was really paying any attention so it was a perfect time. After a while, we were approached by the Blossom family and their search group. Which included Sheriff Keller and my father. I felt a bit disappointed knowing he would help them.

I held onto Jughead's arm right, while his free hand covered the rest of my body. We didn't know what would happen between the two Blossom and Cooper women. Would there be blood? Will someone throw a punch? Everyone was too tense about the situation. We didn't know what was going to happen. "Jones..." I whispered in his ear. "Yeah?" "We both know this is not going to end well," I pointed out.

"Of course it's not," he said, holding me even closer. "It's the Blossom and the Cooper. They've been rivals since we could all remember. The only good thing we can do is get out of the cross fire."

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