Jason and Polly |chapter 21|

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"It's nice to see you again. I'm sorry it had to be under such terrible circumstances," Betty played along. Nana Ronse started to examine her hands. "Well of course you're not wearing it. Good bless," she said. "Wearing what?" I asked. "The ring..." the old lady said. I had to stop listening to the conversation. This sweet old lady seemed to have dementia. And thought that Betty was her older sister Polly. I slowly started to stand up and stand next to Jughead. Jughead grabbed my hand and heald me close. Since Betty's back was turn towards us, she could see what was going on except what was in front of her.

Then, Nana Rose said something I wasn't expecting from her. "And you darling," she said, looking at me. "I hope everything works out with your mother I know how angry she can get." I nodded and looked over at Betty. It was like she was paralyzed with fear. She quickly stood up and excused herself from the room. I looked at Jughead who was equal as confused and worried. We headed back downstairs and I saw my dad who was talking to Sheriff Keller. As he was me, it seemed like he let go of his breath.

"There you are Kathrine. We have to go," he said. I looked at Jughead then my dad. "Can't I just hang out with Jones for a while?" I asked, not wanting to let go of his hand. "I'm sorry but we have to go," he said. I gave one last squeeze before letting go and going back home with my dad. When we got home my dad looked exhausted in more ways than one.

"Dad," I said, sitting in a chair opposed of him. "The night of the back to school dance. Mr. Jones said you, mom and him were in a group together. What group was that?" He looked at me like he started to get annoyed. "Kathrine now is not the time," he said, rubbing the space between his eyes. "Dad, I want to know. I have a right. Please. It's been on my mind ever since that night," I begged.

He signed and adjusted his position in this chair. "When I was in high school, I didn't make the greatest of decisions. I met your mother in a... gang. Fp was my best friend. He still is. But even though the gang did nice things for people, they had a really funny way of showing it. When your mother and I decided that we needed a break from Riverdale, we took this as a chance to move on. I thought your mother gave up the gang like I did. But she wanted to start a new gang where we lived. but I told her if she did she would no longer be welcomed in our family. And ever since that day, have the events that led us here," he said.

I leaned forward, really thinking about all that he was saying. "What gang was it?" "The South Side Serpents. They're still running today. If I'm not mistaken Fp is the king last time I heard," he said. I started to get up. "Kathrine I'm so sorry." "No no. I don't care that you and mom were in a gang. I don't care if your best friend is. I don't care I'd anyone is in a gang. It doesn't fully define who we are," I said. "I'm glad you feel that way."

"But dad?" "Yes Kathrine?" "Would you be mad if I was in a gang?" I asked. "Are you?" He asked. I shook my head. "I'll still love you even if you were in a gang. If those groups of people make you happy, who am I to judge?" I went up stairs and spent the rest of my day cleaning and drawing.

The Monday day I headed to Blue and Gold offices. Betty, Jughead, and i Leander against the a desk looking at the murder bored. "Guys I feel like I don't even know who my mom and dad are anymore," Betty said, on the brink in tears. "Betty if your parents lied about Jason ans Polly. There's probably more they have lied about," Jughead said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Mr. Cooper said he would do anything to protect Polly. So the next logical thing is..." he said.

I knew exactly where he was going with this. "How far would he go to protect her?" I said. Jughead nodded. "Guys who ever broke into Sheriffs Kellers house, stols all of his evidence, wasn't at the drive-in. My dad wasn't at the drive-in," she said. Betty got a flash card and gave it to me. I put the name 'Cooper' on it then gave it to Jughead who posted it on the board. "We need to find your sister," I concluded.

As the three of us walked home, Betty said she would invite us for breakfast the next morning and somehow we can find out where Polly is without raising suspicion from her mother. I head home and caught up on some homework and chorus that have been piling up for the last few days.

The next morning Jughead picked me up from my house so we could go over to Betty's house for breakfast. When Jughead and I arrived, Betty had opened the door and gestured to the dining room. I sat on one side of the table and Jughead sat on the other. Betty's mom sat at the head of the table while Betty sat at the end. In the beginning, breakfast seemed uncomfortable like she just found out we were coming over.

"So Jughead, Kathrine I supposed we have you two thank for Betty's ongoing obsession with this Jason Blossom ghoulishness?" Her mother said, looking rather calm. "Actually mom I was the one who asked Kathrine and Jughead to help me write it for the Blue and Gold," Betty replied. She gave a small laugh. "Relax Betty. I'm just making conversation," she said, taking a sip of her drink.

Betty gestured to Jughead the signal which set the plan in motion. "Do you guys have a bathroom I could use?" He asked. "Sure I'll show you," Betty faked. "No no. I'll show him," Betty's mom said, taking Jughead to the bathroom. When they left the room, Betty and I quickly got up and started to go threw Betty's mothers perce. When she pulled out a check book, I started to take pictures with my camera so we could look at them later. Right when Jughead got back, from the bathroom, Betty told her mother we had to get to school early to work on the paper.

When we got to school, Jughead got out his computer for some recherch.

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