First Day |chapter 7|

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The next morning I was a nervous trainwreck. I rushed to put on the light blueish green dress and some light make up. I put my hair into a french braid and some white heels that made me an inch taller. I grabbed my satchel bag with my camera, notebook, laptop and some other things to get me through the day. I went down stairs and grabbed a piece of toast from the counter. "Where are you going?" My dad called out. "School has to get there early for the tour," I replied. I started to walk out of the house into the cold fresh air.

After a while of walking, I saw a familiar face. "Well Cooper on your way to school I presume," I said, walking beside her. "Yeah I have to give you and another girl Veronica, she came to town last night," she said. By the way of her tone she didn't really seem like something was bothering her. "Do you like this Veronica?" I asked. "To be totally honest, not really. Something about her is off," Betty admitted. "I've never had that feeling about you. You seemed welcoming. She seemed so mysterious and dark." "Well as your new girl friend I'm always here for you," I reassured her. By my comment, her face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Thank you Kathrine," she said, putting her arm around me. "Anytime Cooper," I said, resting my head on her shoulder. For the rest of the way, Betty told me about a crush she had on this guy. She said he was her next door neighbor and she'd had a crush on him since they were four. The story was really cute. The perfect girl next door with the perfect guy next door. From what she'd told me it was like a perfect fairy tail. But if I'd have any experience with fairytales, it's always not the true story.

In the movies, fairy tales are fabricated to hide the real truth of the fairytale. For example in the Cinderella story everyone is aware of, the step-sisters try on the shoe. But one of the step-sisters' toes is too big and the other step-sisters' heel is too big. But Cinderella tries it on and it's a perfect fit. Later Cinderella and Prince Carmine get married and they are happy ever after. The end.

But in the original story, the evil step-mother cuts off the big toe of the one step-sister and heals off the other so their feet can fit in the shoe. But they still don't get Prince Charming even though they lost a heel and a toe for him. It really goes to show you can give someone everything and get nothing in return. They can leave you high and dry and not even care.

Later on Betty was giving a tour to me and another girl who I was guessing was Veronica. I didn't really pay any attention on what she was saying. It was talking about the history and the new girl was making comments about the schools color plate and how it was outdated. I didn't mind it though. Blue and yellow go great together. The only party I'd payed attention two when we were stopped by the new girl and then I noticed at Kevin came over as well.

"Oh and of course there's the back-to-school semi formal dance this weekend," Betty said, still giving us the tour. "There's the hottie we were with last night," Veronica said, pointing to a boy at the end of the hall with a blue and yellow lettermin jacket on. "The red-headed ansel elgort. Is he your boyfriend?" "No he's straight." "No were just friends," Betty and Kevin said at the same time. I chuckled at both of their responses. "In that case mine putting in a word. I've tried every flavor of boy but orange," Veronica said, gazing at the boy.
"Actually to clarify Betty and Archie arn't together but they are endgame," Kevin told her. Then I realized that this was why Betty didn't really like Veronica. She was stuck up and always thought she got her way. Plus she was trying to go after Betty's crush. "You should as him to the semi formal Cooper," I suggest, nudging her a bit.

"She should but I heard it might get canceled because of what happened to Jason. They're going to tell us at the assembly," Kevin reminded me. I nodded. "Who's Jason and what happened to him?" Veronica asked. "Oh Lodge, there's so much to catch you up on," I told her. She looked confused. But not at my comment. What I called her. I just rolled my eyes and looked at all the students passing by. Jockes, neards, popular people. It all seemed pretty normal than one person caught me eye. Jughead Jones. I stopped walking with the group and desided to talk to him.

"Hello Jones. What are you doing walking all by your lonesome?" I joked. "The assembly," he said. "Getting a seat in the back. Want to join Evans?" He smirked. "Why not Jones," I smiled back. As walked though the halls all the jocks we passed by were whispering and stairing at us. I didn't really mind but it really seemed to bother Jughead. "So Jones," I said. "Whatha thinkin about?" He smiled. "It's just that the days we've hanged out you were wearing hoodie and jeans and now your wearing this," he said, gesturing to my outfit. "I'm very unpredictable," I said with confidence. "Why, you don't you like it?" He smiled agian but a diffrent smile. Like he was embarrassed by my question.

"No no not at all," he said. "Than what is it?" "It's just nice you don't care what people think about what you wear. But I get making a first impression," he explained. Than a hallar came from one of the jokes. "Look it's Wensday Addams with one of the new girls," they said. The group started to laugh. I looked over at Jughead who just hung is head down. When the group was done walking by, he looked up back at me. "Wensday Addams?" I asked. "A stupid nickname," he scoffed. "I think it's kind of cute," I said. "Why?" "Because I like the Addams Family. Especially Wensday," I explained. We approached the door to the auditorium. Jughead opens the door and gestured me inside. "Evans," he smiled. I chuckeled. "Jones," I replied, taking a small curtsy.

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