Pep Rally |chapter 12|

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I woke up with a smile on my face, ready to face the day. Today was the day of Riverdale High annual high school pep rally. I put on a yellow plaid trope top and a matching skirt, with light yellow heals. I got up a little early to get ready so I could curl my hair so I wouldn't have to do it later. I put on some very light makeup and put the rest in my bag for school. Before I felt my room I saw an unfamiliar peice of clothing on the floor. When I picked it up I realized I went home with Jugheads jacket. For a second I started to panic. Why did I take it home? I calmed myself down and threw it in my bag to take to him.

When I got to school everyone was a bit on edge. The sheriff and my dad had been questioning kids to see if anyone of them had any remote idea of why someone would want to kill him. Of course they brought me for question on my off period. But the interview was more of a chat then anything else. I didn't know the kid nor have I've ever seen him. When I was done being questioned I headed into the lounge where I knew Jughead would be.

"Hey Jones," I said, leaning in the other side of the vending machine. "Hello Evans," he replied, a bit confused. I opened my bag and pulled out his jacket. Li think this belongs to you," I said hold it up. We were in our own conversation, ignoring the jock who was complaining about the cops. I walked over and handed it to him, making way for Archie to get something. "Thanks Evans. You didn't have to," he chuckled. "What do you mean 'I didn't have to' it's your jacket," I replied. There was a moment of silence in our conversation that bragged my ears to listen to someone else.

It also seemed to catch Jugheads attention as well. "... if a kid at Riverdale killed Jason, it's not going to be a jock, right? Now let's be honest. Isn't it always some spooky scrawny pathetic internet troll too busy in his manifesto to get laid?" Reggie said. I could tell right then and there where this was headed. "Some smug moody serial killer fanboy freak. Like Jughead." Everyone's eyes amid Italy beamed on Jughead. I started to feel a but bad.

"What was it like suicide squad? When you shot Jason? You didn't do stuff to the body did you? Like after," Reggie said. "It's called necrophilia Reggie. Can you spell it?" Jughead said, in the calmest way possible. "Come here you little..." Reggie said, springi up from his seat to attack Jughead. I grabbed his arm and pulled him aside. "Shut the hell up Reggie," Archie said, pushing him away from us. "Yea you really don't know when to keep you damn mouth shut do you Mantel?" I asked.

"Why do you and Andrews care?" Reggie asked me. He started to walk a bit closer. Even though I looked like a pretty girl, I could easily take my shoe off and shove it right in his eye. "Nothing just leave them alone," Archie said. Reggie turned back to the red-head with more rage in his eyes. Then is one brain cell came with a residuals realization.

"Holy crap. Did you and Donnie Darko kill him together? Was it some sort of pervy blood brother thing?" He said. Without a single blink, Archie punched Reggie in the face. It started a fight right there in the student lounge. Jughead pulled be back almost to the back doorway. "If any teacher comes in here, we're booking it," he told me. I nodded in agreement. It seemed like forever. Blood, fist and bruises all over. Right when we realized Mr. Weatherbee had come in, Jughead and I started to run down the hallway to know where we were.

All I knew is when we stopped, that we were sitting on the stairs, trying to catch our breaths. "I can't believe you can run in those," Jughead commented, looking at my shoes. "Of course I can. If I have to run it's got to be in style," I laughed. As we got up we looked at each other and laughed. "So did you get questioned yet?" I asked, as we started to walk. "Surprisingly no," Jughead replied, realizing what he said. "Wait so do you think their doing to question you at the station?" I panicked. "I don't know Evans," he said.

Later that night I was getting ready in the locker room with all the girls. I put on some more makeup to match my Vixens outfit. When we went outside. Before it started I saw a farmiliar boy standing by one of the bleachers where the Vixens and Bulldogs hang out burning half time when their not preforming. "I wasen't expecting you to show up Jones," I laughed. "Yes. I would totally come to be-friend all the jocks and flirt with all the Vixens," he joked. I chuckled at his comment. "I wanted to say... good luck. I know Cheryls... a lot," he said.

"Oh my God. I totally didn't realize," I joked. We both shared a smile. I could feel a pair of eyes on my so I looked over my shoulder to see Archie coming over. "I'll leave you too to talk. I have to get into possession anyways," I said. "Bye Evans." "Bye Jones. When I turned away my stomach started to turn agian. It felt like something was wrong with me. Was is sick? Am I dying? What's happening? When I meat Veronica and Betty they seemed so excited.

"What's wrong with both of you?" I asked. "Do you have a crush?" Betty blurted out. "What!?" I say. "That's absurd." "Then why are you so red?" Veronica nudged me. I could see Cheryl gathering the girls into a huddle. "We have to go," I told them. I walked over to the group of girls. Cheryl gave us a pep talk and we started our dance. When it came to my solo how ever when I landed my last back flip, I could hear a pop in my ankle. Instead of stopping I continued. I couldn't mess this up for everyone else.

When we were done, as we watch the Bulldogs run across the feild Cheryl ran off crying. I didn't understand my but Veronica was nice enough to go after her.

Later in that day, Archie, Jughead and I desided to go to Pops for some dinner. When we got there and sat with Betty and Veronica who already had milkshakes.

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