"Dangerous" Plan |chapter 30|

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Kathrine's POV

The next day I was getting ready my phone rang. I saw the name Jughead pop up on the top of my screen. "What up Jones?" I said, putting the phone on speaker while I was going my makeup. I had to wake up a bit earlier to cover up my bruises and cuts because it took awhile. Even though you could still see where they were. But it was worth it.

"Hey, can you meet up at Pops?" He asked. "Yeah, what time?" I asked, putting some final touches on. "Can you be there in 10 minutes?" He asked some more. "10 minutes!?" I repeated, looking at the time. "Fine. But I better have a coffee waiting for me-" I said, about to tell him my order. "I know 3 creams, 2 sugars and a dash of milk," he answered for me.

"Thanks Jones. I'll leave right now," I told him, hanging up the phone. I met Jughead at Pops in one of the center booths on the left side of the restaurant. As I sat on the right of him. I saw he was distraught by the way he was stirring his coffee. "Is everything okay Jones?" I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. He quickly looked at me and took his hand and placed it on my cheek.

He started to turn my head around as he examined my injuries from the previous night. "Makeup is not going to fix it," he said, staring into my eyes. "Well at least it looks like I got jumped instead of getting beaten half to death Jones," I said, trying to lighten the mood. He gave a small smile before returning back to his coffee. "Evans, I'm serious about you not going back to the site," he said, trying not to make eye contact with me.

"And I still am and you can't control that," I said, taking the coffee from the waiter. He looked back at me with his pleading eyes. "If we go back to the site. I promise you I won't leave your side." "Evans, I hate this plan," he said, holding my hand from under the table. "But I can't stop you so yeah I'm okay with it," he said, giving me a light kiss on the cheek.

We stared at each other for a moment, before hearing the bell of the chocolate shop ring. I looked over to see Betty and Veronica entering and sitting at the opposite side of the booth. "Hey guys," Veronica said, without making a single look at either me or Jughead. As Betty sat down. She looked at us and then her previous happy smile had faded. "Oh my God Kathrine! What happened to you?" She asked. Looking at my injuries.

As Jughead explained to the girls what happened to me and Moose the night before, their previous happy expressions turned into a sad, concerned one. "Oh my God. That's awful. I'm so sorry Kathrine. Poor Moose. Is he okay?" Veronica asked, sitting back in her seat. "His name is Moose. He's fine," Jughead said, clearly not concerned about Moose. Betty chuckled as we saw Archie burst into the chocolate shop, then sitting next to Betty.

"Dude, what the hell? I've been texting you," Archie said, getting a bit pissed. "Archie," Betty said. "Jughead just told us what happened yesterday." "Though I checked out at the words 'construction' and 'site'," Veronica informed him. "Moose and I are going to the Southside to find those Serpents. Kathrine you have to come too. But dude, you in?" Archie asks, still a bit jittery and frantic.

Jughead's eyes started to widen at Archie's comment as Betty began to talk. "Whoa! Hey, you guys didn't say it was Serpents who beat you and Moose up." "'Cause we don't know that for a face Andrews," I said, scolding him. "Well it's still worth a shot if it might help my dad. Kevin's boyfriend can get us in," Archie said. "Get you in where?" Veronica asked. "To some bar where the Serpants hang out. If Kathrine and Mooss spits them, we call Sheriff Keller and get these goons arrested."

"Archie the Serpents are dangerous. They're drug dealers," Betty said, trying to convince him not to go. "What?" Jughead interjected. "Says who?" "Polly. Remember Trev told us that Jason was dealing drugs? It was for the Serpents," she said, reminding us what we've been investigating. "That doesn't mean it was them," I whispered under my breath.

"You heard my dad Jughead. Clifford Blossom trying to torpedo him. Sheriff Keller basically blew him off right in front of us. Somebody needs to do something," he said. As he realized he was getting nowhere with us, he stood up from his seating, putting his letterman jacket on. "Come on Kathrine, let's go," he said, trying not to raise his voice.

I could tell this got Jughead really riled up about how Archie basically told me I had to go with him. "Archie going into that bar is a bad idea," Jughead warned him. "Jughead, are you coming with us or not?" Archie asked, starting to raise his voice. As he got a wave of silence from Jughead he took that as his response."Thanks for having our back," Archie said, storming out of the chocolate shop. I let go of Jughead's hand and I whispered into his ear, "I'll be right back."

I stormed out of the chocolate shop right behind Archie. "Andrews!" I yelled, grabbing his arm to face me. "You never speak for me alright? What if I didn't want to go to the bar and find the guys who beat me up, huh? Have you thought about that? You're the one who wasn't attacked and you're overreacting about this," I said, starting to get very pissed."I'm overreacting?!" He yelled back.

"You're under reacting. Those guys almost beat you to death," he said, throwing his hand in the general direction of the Southside. "You don't even know if it was them," I yelled at him. The words that kept on coming out of his mouth really made my blood boil. "I don't care! Those bastards deserve to pay!" "They have nothing to pay for if they didn't do!" I took a small breath. "I'm only going to stop whatever shit show you'll create. Because the Serpents don't deserve it."

I pulled out my phone to text Jughead I was leaving and that I'll call him later.

Loner and a Writer |Jughead Jones|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora