Drive-in |chapter 18|

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Jughead had dropped me off at home so I could 'do whatever girls do' while he got set up for the movie at the drive-in. I decided to change out of my school cloths and to wear something nicer for the occasion. I decided to wear a green dress with thin long sleeves. I curled my hair and put my two front strands into a braid that connected in the back. I changed out my bandage, tan ones to match my skin tone. I only wear those when it's a special event.

As I was putting my makeup on, I heard a knock. Not from my door, but my window. When I moved the curtains, I saw Jughead on a latter waiting for me to open the window. I started get scared a bit because I didn't want him to fall. I opened the window and pulled him inside.

"Are you crazy Jones!?" I asked, trying not to freak out too much. "Relax Evans," Jughead said, looking around the room. "I'm a master at getting through peoples windows." "Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I said, putting my hands on my hips. Jughead flopped on my bed and made himself at home. "It's supposed to," he replied. I sat on my bed near Jugheads feet. "Where did you even get the latter?" "It was on the side of your house," he said, sitting up to look at me.

"Are you ready to go Evans," he asked, standing up and putting his hand out. I took his hand and stood up. "Of course I am," I said. I reopened the window and Jughead guided my down the latter making our great escape. My father knew I was going to the drive-in with some friend. But I was reluctant to tell him what friends and how many where why. All my friends where going to be there but they wern't all taking one car. Betty said she would drive with Archie, and Veronica said she would drive with Kevin.

When we got to the drive in, it was starting to get dark and all the cars started to pull into the lot. Jughead took me into a shack where all the movie tapes where. But I wasn't expecting anything less than that. But I got something more. I saw a medium sized couch that was set up front of a tiny table with food, chips, drinks, and popcorn. "I know its not much but..." Jughead tried to say, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's great Jones. I just didn't expect all of... this," I said. I looked over and Jughead how was blushing bright red.

I looked away in a embarrassment as well. I could tell why I was so nervous. I sat on the couch as Jugheaded started up the tape. When it was up and running, he sat in the couch right next to me. The couch was small so there want a lot of room to leave between him and I. I had to fill the coward silents. "So Jones, how long have you worked here?" I asked, still looking at the movie.

"Uhm for almost two years," he said, looking at the movie as well. I could tell something was on his mind because even though we was a very introverted person, he could talk a lot to his very close friends. I looked at him, started to feel a bit worried. "Jones why are you quiet?" He turned his head to look at me. With only barley a few inches of air between us. "Why do you want to know?" He asked.

I stayed silent, not really knowing what I want to say. "It's because I don't k ow what to say," he said. "Because if I say that I'm thinking then I don't know what will happen." "Tell me. I might think the same way," I replied. I could feel my hand touching his. But it wasn't like before. Not like he dragged me out of Mr. Andrews trailer, it wasn't like us running in the hallway hand and hand. No. This time it was different.

"I want to say how beautiful you look in that dress. I want to say that the first time I saw you, with the frizzled hair and your baggie hoodie is the moment I knew I wanted to know you more. That even though we might both be so screwed up that I know there is a way for us to be... us," he said, almost completely blocking all the air between us. "Your playing a very dangerous game Jones," I reminded him. In a way it was. I was new to town a cops daughter. In the group it has been shown, with Veronica, Archie and Betty, that dating anyone in the group would just create problems.

"It's fun to play on the wild side sometimes," he smiled. Before I could answer, we heard a slam on the side of the shack. We both got up and opened the door to see what made the noise. "Kevin?" I said out of disbelief. He was making out with a leather jacket who looked like he was a part of some gang. "Joaquin?" Jughead said, looked at the starteled couple. "Jughead?" "Katherine?" We stood there in a coward silents. The gang member was on top of Kevin and Jughead and I came out of a shack holding hands.

"We will never speak of this. Got it?" Jughead said, looking at the two boys. They quickly nodded as we headed back to watch the movie. When we sat back down of the couch, we looked at eachother and started to laugh. We couldn't get the thought of it out of our head. A person we both know was railing the other. When we stopped laughing I looked at Jughead smiled at my in awe.
"Jones," I began. "What are we?" "What do you mean?" He asked, fixing his passion on the couch. "I mean, if I told you I felt the same way about you... what would that mean?" His eyes widen by my question. "Well what do you want us to be?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Well we don't have to figure that out right now," he said. He gave me a reashiring smile.

I out my head in his shoulder was we watched the rest of the movie together. There's was a new found feeling between us. I didn't know what it really was. Did I like him more than a friend? All I knew was that anytime I spent with Jughead Jones are moments I'll never forget. From crying to laughing to running. Or just simply hanging out. "You're one of a kind Evans," Jughead whispered in my ear. "Your too handsome Jones," I said, snuggling closer.

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