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Friday, the best day of the week for the best of us. Unfortunately it brought the worst out of a certain fifteen year old girl. Drista slammed her locker shut and ran to the bus. If she missed it, she'd be walking home.

As Drista made her way to the back of the bus, everyone gave her the side eye. When she took her seat at the back of the bus everyone let out a collective sigh.

Drista shoved her bag onto the ground, and leaned against the window. She wanted to go home, but she really couldn't.

"Girl, you look dead." Drista's current best friend slid into the seat.

"Oh, there you are...I thought you had detention again." Drista turned to face the other girl.

"Me? Kathrine? Couldn't possibly be me!" The girl said sarcastically. "I ditched, screw that."

Drista snickered and pulled her bag up. "Stressed?"

"Very." Kathrine leaned back and pulled a lighter out of her pocket.

Drista looked around before pulling a package of cigarettes from her bag. "Here, It's my last one."

"Damn, Vinny must be giving you more tonight." Kathrine winked and snatched the box from Drista.

"Pfft, me and Vincent don't even text anymore." Drista rolled her eyes and looked out the window as the bus started moving.

"So you aren't coming to his house tonight?" Kathrine tilted her head curiously.

"I didn't say that..." Drista shrugged. "I'll sneak out when the bitch trio goes to bed."

"Girl, what did they do this time?" Kathrine giggled as she lit up the cigarette.

"Normal shit, they think they are playing mommy. Sapnap tried to tuck me in last what the hell?"

Kathrine scoffed as she took a drag from the cigarette. Thankfully anyone close enough to witness it, wouldn't snitch. "Too bad your brother didn't have a cool gangster friend. Imagine a gang leader as your legal guardian. They'd pay your way out of trouble."

"Heh, yeah...instead I got stuck with a dumbass, a bitch, and a drunk that thinks he can be a lawyer." Drista clearly wasn't happy with who took her in. She didn't realize how lucky she was to not be on the street.


"Kinoko Street, get your ass up." Kathrine moved so Drista could get out of the seat. "I'll see you tonight, Dress cute."

"Yeah, see you!" Drista quickly made her way off the bus, and headed towards the house she lived in. When she entered she was met by a couple of cats at her feet. "Move, pests." Drista used her feet to push them out of the way.

"Don't call them pests!" Karl gasped as he met her at the door. "How was school today?" He crossed his arms.

"Did they call you?" Drista threw her bag onto the floor.

"They did, so don't try to lie to me." Karl sighed and tapped his foot. "Own up to what you did, I want to hear you confess."

Drista groaned and walked to the kitchen, dragging her feet. She opened the fridge and looked up, seeing Karl followed her. "I was just messing around, the principal is a pussy."

"Drista! Watch your mouth." Karl shut the fridge and stood in front of it. "We're not done talking yet."

"Do you want me to starve?" Drista glared at him.

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